Báo cáo Seeds database user guide

Seeds Database User Guide  
Written: 19 May 2000  
Revised: 29 January 2000  
17 September 2005  
© CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products  
Australian Tree Seed Centre  
PO Box E4008 Kingston  
Canberra ACT 2604  
Table of Contents  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
Before you start  
Before you start to use the Seeds Database, you should be familiar with the forms and form  
controls used in the system. A form control is a component of a form like a button or text box.  
The following sections will describe each of these components and describe how they  
function in the system.  
Apart from the functions of forms and form controls there are also a number of important  
concepts about the way the systems works that you must fully understand. Read the section  
on important concepts very carefully.  
There are a number of types of forms used in the system but the two main types are menus  
and data entry forms.  
Some of the other types of forms used are -  
Message boxes used to display system messages;  
Dialogue boxes used to select options or gather parameters for reporting;  
And Datasheets used to display information in a spreadsheet like style.  
An example of a data entry form is shown below.  
At the top of the form you will notice the form name is displayed in the title bar. This is the  
name by which this form is referred to in this documentation. Below the title bar is an area in  
black that contains a number of buttons each bearing a standard icon. Following the black  
area is the main body of the form that has a number of form controls including, text boxes,  
combo boxes, radio buttons and a standard button.  
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The following sections will list each of the controls used on the various types of forms and  
describe how they function.  
Form Controls  
Menu button:  
The square button to the left of the text menu entry is the menu button.  
Click on the menu button to move to a submenu or a form.  
Exit button:  
This button is located only in the Seeds Database Main Menu. Click on  
this button to exit the system.  
Clear Form button:  
Use this to clear details on the form and reset any default values.  
Save button:  
This saves the data on the form to the back end database. If you don't  
click the Save button, you will lose the data you have entered.  
Delete Record button:  
Use this button only if you are the authorised person to delete records.  
Once a record is deleted it is gone, there is no way to undo a delete.  
Exit Form button:  
Use this button to exit a form and return to where you started from.  
Execute button:  
Click this button to execute a task eg. Run a query.  
Text box:  
This is where data can be entered or displayed.  
Combo box:  
A combo box is a text box with a drop down list attached.  
Click on the arrow and the drop down list will become visible allowing  
you to select a value from it. The drop down lists often display more  
information than is required to fill the text box. This is to overcome the  
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fact that often the value for the text box alone may have duplicates or it  
may be meaningless without this additional information.  
Combo boxes often copy extra data to a form. This extra data is  
sometimes visible and sometimes not, but it is always crucial to the  
operation of the system. So if there is a combo box on a form then use it  
to select the value you require rather than just typing it into the text box  
part of the control.  
Radio button:  
Radio buttons are used where a data item can have only one of two  
opposite values like "true" or "false". When you click in the circle the  
black dot toggles to the opposite of what was displayed when you clicked  
the control.  
A black dot in the circle indicates that the value is switched to the  
positive (or true) while an empty circle indicates the value is switched to  
the negative (or false).  
Standard button:  
A button on the bottom of a form (such as the Contacts button on the left)  
leads to another related form. When you exit from the related form you  
return to the form that you started with.  
Important Concepts  
The Seeds Database is a client server computer system designed to assist in the collection,  
storage and distribution of tree seeds. It may be installed as a single user system on a single  
computer or it may be scaled up to a multi user system on a local area network.  
Regardless of whether you have a single user or a multi user system, the architecture is  
exactly the same. There is a back end database where your data will be stored and a front  
end, or client application, consisting of menus and forms that are used to either enter data or  
to access the information in the back end database.  
The interaction between the client application and the backend database must be clearly  
understood. When you select a record, say for example, details of a seedlot, the data for that  
seedlot is retrieved from the back end database and displayed on your screen by the client  
application. You may enter new data or amend the existing details on the screen but these  
changes are not written to the back end database until you click the Save button.  
When the client application retrieves a record it assumes you are working on that record  
alone and it will apply all changes you make to the record that was retrieved. If you decide  
you want to proceed to some other action, like entering a new record after you have retrieved  
a record, then you must click the Clear Screen button to signal to the system that you have  
finished with the record you retrieved. If you don't click the Clear Form button in this situation  
you may cause unintentional updates to be written to the record you originally retrieved.  
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The Client application relies heavily on the use of Combo boxes and Defaults to speed up the  
task of data entry and insure the consistency and integrity of your data.  
The basic function of a Combo boxes has been described above however there are some  
important performance issues relating to Combo boxes if you are running the Seeds  
Database on a network. These issues are also relevant if you are running the system on a  
single computer but they are of less importance.  
The drop down list portion of a combo box is nearly always connected to a number of fields  
from the rows of a table in the back end database. Usually, when you click on the arrow of a  
drop down list all the fields from the rows of the table are retrieved from the back end  
database and loaded into the rows of the drop down list. This is reasonably fast and efficient  
if there are only a few records to retrieve but if there are a lot of records in the table then this  
will impact your network performance and the speed of the client application. In addition to  
these raw performance aspects you should also consider the prospects of having to scroll  
through even a 100 records to find the one you want.  
Obviously the optimum situation is to retrieve the minimum number of records possible to  
satisfy your needs. To achieve this, enter the first few characters of the value you are  
searching for in the text box portion of the combo box before you click the arrow of the drop  
down list. It doesn't matter if you enter character data in upper or lower case as the back end  
database has been configured to be case insensitive.  
The example following demonstrates this technique using a section of the Seedlot form.  
Fast Search Strategy  
Enter the letter ‘a’ in the Genus text box and  
then click the arrow of the drop down list.  
This will show all the Genera starting with the  
letter 'a'.  
If the value 'Acacia' is selected from the drop  
down list this value will be copied to the text  
In the Species text box enter the letters 'man'.  
When the down arrow is clicked, the drop-  
down list displays ‘mangium' the only species  
beginning with the letters 'man' for the Genus  
With both the Genus and the Species drop  
down lists you can see that a code is  
displayed along with the relevant names.  
These codes are used by the system and  
demonstrate you should select records rather  
than just typing them in the text box.  
As previously stated, drop down lists nearly always connects to a database table but  
sometimes this isn't the case. Where there are only a few options for data values and these  
don't change then they are contained within the client application. An example of this would  
be the hemisphere codes for latitude. Regardless of whether the drop down list is connected  
to a database table or the values are contained within the client application the control  
behaves exactly the same.  
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When you enter some characters in the text box portion of a combo box then click the arrow  
on the drop down list the system will either return values starting with the characters you have  
typed when there is the potential to return a lot of records or it will position you in the list at the  
record starting with the characters you have entered if there is only a small number of records  
likely to be returned. The exception to this is rule is with Customer names. The characters  
you enter in the text box portion can occur anywhere in the Customer name eg. 'smi' would  
Mr John Smith  
Smith and Jones Pty Ltd  
Smithers Corporation  
Ms Jane Smithers  
The reason for this is that it is very difficult to devise a system where names are entered in a  
consistent manner. In the list above Mr John Smith may be entered as John Smith, Mr John  
Smith, Mr J. Smith, J Smith and J. Smith. All these names may be the same person but as far  
as the system can determine they are different customers.  
By constructing the search of customer names in this manner you should be able to locate the  
record you want while avoiding duplication.  
Where a List box has the potential to return a large amount of records the client application  
will, where possible, fill in a default value for you if you click the arrow on the drop down list  
before entering any characters in the text box portion. With the Genus and Species combo  
box example used above the letter 'a' would be entered in the text box portion if you entered  
nothing and immediately clicked the arrow.  
The one place where a default has not been used is Seedlot. Given the potential for different  
uses of this field, either numeric or alphanumeric, it is difficult to be prescriptive about the  
default to be used. You must to remember to always to enter the starting characters of the  
Seedlot before you attempt to select a Seedlot from a drop down list.  
Combo boxes are not the only place default values are used. When a data entry form is in a  
state ready to accept a new record i.e. when it is first opened or after you click the Clear Form  
button, you will notice that sometimes a number of fields are filled in for you. The example  
below illustrates the use of these default values.  
Default Values  
When you first open a form or when you click the Clear Form button you  
will notice that some fields have values already entered. These values  
are the defaults values for that field. You should either overtype these  
fields with your real data or leave them alone if the data is missing for the  
field in question.  
Zeros in the field indicates that the program expects a numeric value. If  
you remove the zero from the text box then the value of this field will be  
set to "Null" or "Nothing" which is not interpreted as a valid numeric  
value. This may cause unexpected problems in the system.  
When you retrieve a record from the database a lock is placed on that record so that no one  
else can change that record while you are working on it. If you attempt to access a quote that  
somebody else has locked then the data will be retrieved but you will not be able to update it.  
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In the situation where you are trying to edit a quote you may come across two situations  
where locked records prevent you from completing your task. The first is where the quote  
itself is in use by somebody else and the second is where somebody else is updating a  
seedlot you wish to include in the quote.  
As the client application takes a snapshot of the back end database when you select a record  
it cannot detect when a lock has been released. You must click the clear button and reselect  
the record again once the other user has released the lock.  
This locking mechanism is only applied to the sensitive areas of the database - seedlots, both  
bulk and individual, and document (quotes and orders). It is important that you do not retrieve  
records from these tables and get distracted with another task or walk away from your screen.  
Obviously, if you have records locked for extended periods of time you will prevent other  
people from doing their work.  
To recap on what you should have learnt from this section: -  
Always click the Clear form button before you attempt to add a new record after you  
have been updating existing records.  
If possible, always use values from the drop down list of a combo box.  
Always enter a few characters of the start of the value you are searching for in combo  
boxes that have the potential the return a lot of data.  
Leave default values alone if your data is missing a value for that field.  
Click the Clear button and reselect the record if you encounter a lock applied by some  
other user.  
Do not lock records from the Seedlot, Individual and Document tables for extended  
periods of time.  
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Terminology Used in System  
Within the Seeds Database there are a number of terms used that may require some  
A Seedlot is a collection of tree seed of a particular species, at a specific location, on a  
specific date. Collections of the same species at the same location and a different date  
should have a different seedlot number.  
Bulk and Individual Seed Collections  
Seed of a species is always collected from individual trees and it can be either kept separate  
or mixed together to form a bulk quantity. The collection as a whole is allocated a Seedlot  
number. If the collections from the individual trees are kept separate then the quantity from  
each tree is allocated a separate Individual Tree number and these are referred to as  
individuals. If the seed from each of the trees is mixed together then this is referred to as a  
The number of individuals mixed to make a bulk is always recorded. Bulks are identified by  
seedlot number only but individuals are identified by seedlot number and individual tree  
number. A seedlot can have bulk only seed, individual only seed or a combination of both bulk  
and individual.  
Tree breeders generally prefer to purchase individual seed in preference to bulk see as the  
identity of one parent (the mother tree) is known. Bulk seed is normally used in the initial  
stages of species introduction concentrating on the suitability of the species in the area.  
World Zones and Country Groups  
World zones and country groups are used for reporting of sales of seed if you are in the  
business of exporting to different countries.  
A World Zone is simply a name given to a particular set of country groupings. You may have  
any number of World Zones with differing Country Groups for different reporting purposes. A  
world zone may encompass the whole world of it may be a smaller section of it.  
You could have a World Zone name of, say, "World Zone 1" which encompasses the entire  
A Country Group within this World Zone may be called "South Pacific" which, for example,  
may contain the following countries:  
American Samoa  
Cook Islands  
New Caledonia  
New Zealand  
French Polynesia  
Papua New Guinea  
Pitcairn Islands  
Solomon Islands  
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This would then enable you the answer such questions as "what have we shipped to the  
South Pacific in the last 12 months use World Zone 1".  
A region is a subdivision of a country. It can be a political boundary like a state or a province  
or it can be any other sort of subdivision that you desire. If you are going to use political  
boundaries it is advisable to use the ISO standard Country Subdivision Codes refer ISO  
Subdividing your countries into regions makes it easier to organise your customer list when  
you have a lot of customers in a particular country. Even in situations where you don't have a  
lot of customers dividing countries into regions may still be of value for reporting purposes.  
If you don't want to subdivide your countries then you must have a least one region that  
covers the entire country e.g. -  
Papua New Guinea  
Papua New Guinea  
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Getting Started  
There a two phases you will need to go through when setting up a new Seeds Database. The first  
is to enter the data for all the secondary tables in the database. These secondary tables provide  
the data for the combo boxes used in other parts of the system.  
Taking the time to complete the entry of this secondary data will have a number of benefits:  
It will greatly speed up the task of data entry in the major functions of the system;  
It will reduce the likelihood of duplication and errors in the data entry process;  
It will impose a level of standardization on your data;  
And it will increase the integrity of you database.  
Once you have populated the secondary tables you can move on to the next phase which is  
performing the major functions of the system like entering seedlots, producing quotes and orders  
and entering germination data.  
There is no specific order that the secondary data should be entered in. This will depend largely  
upon the availability of the data and the nature of your organization. As a guide, the lists following  
show the prerequisites for entering data into the major parts of the system.  
Before you start entering Seedlots you must:  
Enter your taxa (Genus & Species) data.  
Enter your collectors.  
Enter your price categories.  
Enter your pre-treatments (optional).  
Before you start entering Customers you must:  
Enter or update countries and regions.  
Before you start entering Quotes or Orders you must:  
Enter your customer names, addresses and optionally, contacts.  
Enter your carriers.  
Enter your sponsors.  
Enter your fixed costs.  
Enter your charge types.  
Before you start entering Viability Tests data you must:  
Enter the relevant seedlot.  
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Starting the Seed Database  
Select the Start button  
, go to Programs menu then select Seeds Database.  
Microsoft Access will start and the Seeds Database login screen below will be displayed.  
Type in your Name and Password and click OK.  
If you click Cancel at this screen the Seeds Database will shut down completely requiring you  
to return to Step 1 above before you can continue. If you make a mistake then simply go back  
and correct it, don't click Cancel.  
Before you attempt to log in your Database Administrator will have to assign you your login  
name and password.  
User names and passwords are case sensitive so make sure Caps Lock and Num Lock are  
turned off before you attempt to log in. You can tell if either Caps Lock or Num Lock is on if its  
status light is lit. The Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock status lights are located above the  
numeric keypad to the right of your keyboard.  
NB. For the demonstration version of Seeds Database, type Test for both your name and  
If you have entered a valid user name and password the Seeds Database Main Menu will be  
displayed. If, however, you have made an error then you will be advised and requested to re-enter  
a valid user name and password.  
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Seeds Database Main Menu  
The Seeds Database main menu is the entry point into the system. It provides a number of  
submenus that group the functions of the system that are common to each other.  
The Seeds Database Main Menu has the six sub-menus:  
Seed Store  
Order Entry  
Viability Standards  
Enter and view seedlots and related data.  
Enter customers and related data.  
Seed quotations and orders and related data.  
Query the database and produce reports.  
Germination test results and standards.  
Database administration.  
To select a submenu click the square button to the left of the text label that describes the  
The Exit button on the top right hand corner is the only way you can exit from the Seeds  
Database. Clicking this button will close the Seeds Database down completely.  
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Seed Store  
The Seed Store submenu provides options to enter information on new seed collections and  
related data.  
The Seed Store submenu has six options:  
Enter bulk and individual seed collection data.  
Enter Genus and Species names.  
Enter treatments for seed germination.  
Enter names of collectors.  
Enter seed price brackets.  
Enter fixed costs.  
Seedlots is the major option and this is where new bulk and individual seed is entered. The  
other options - Taxa, Treatments, Collectors, Prices and Costs allow you to enter secondary  
data that is not expected to change greatly over time.  
In a new system you will spend much more time entering the secondary data, especially the  
Taxa data. As the system matures you will spend little or no time on these options and the  
focus will move to entering Seedlot data.  
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The seedlot form is where you enter new seed collection data. Information about species  
identity, source of seed, location of collections, collection details, germination details, and the  
bulk and individual tree weights are entered. The individual button on the bottom left of the  
screen brings you to another form where you can enter individual tree numbers.  
Explanation of items in the form  
This is a unique ten-character number assigned to a new seedlot. If  
you type a number that has already been assigned, the Database  
will not accept the number. The seedlot number may be numeric or  
Type the first few characters of the genus then select the genus  
from the drop-down list. The letter ‘a’ is the default search value but  
it can be changed to any letter or combination of letters to narrow  
down the search. Note that letters have to start from the left-most  
end of the text box otherwise an error message box will pop up.  
New Taxa cannot be entered here. This is done through the Taxa  
Form on the Seed Store menu.  
This text box is similar to Genus. Type the first few characters of  
the species and select the species from the drop-down list. The list  
displayed will only include those species you have entered for the  
genus you have selected.  
Latitude is entered as a six-digit number. The first two digits  
represent degrees, the next two digits are minutes, and the last two  
digits are seconds. Then select N or S according to which part of  
the hemisphere the seedlot was collected from.  
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Longitude is entered as a seven-digit number. The first three digits  
represent degrees, the next two digits are minutes, and the last two  
digits are seconds. Then select E or W according to which part of  
the hemisphere the seedlot was collected from.  
This is the altitude of an area where a seed collection was made.  
This is the general location where a seed collection was made  
(proximity to nearest town, creek, road, forest or other geographical  
This is a name that designates genetic commonality and it can be  
used to group together different seedlots that share the same gene  
Type the first few characters of the country and then select from the  
drop name list.  
State or province name.  
Initial Weight  
This is the weight of cleaned seed when it is first entered into the  
Database. This weight is never altered.  
Bulk Weight  
This is the weight of bulk seed. The default value is zero.  
Reserved Bulk  
This is the total bulk weight of seed that has been reserved through  
quotation for seed sales. The default value is zero.  
Initial Individual  
Total Individual  
Reserved Ind  
This is the weight of individual trees when they are first entered into  
the Database. The default value is zero.  
This is the current weight of all the individual trees in a seedlot. The  
default value is zero.  
This is the total individual weight of seed that has been reserved  
through quotations for seed sales. The default value is zero.  
Code linked to the name of seed collector or seed supplier.  
Date the seed was collected. Dates are in YYYYMMDD format.  
This is the number of individual trees that contributed to the bulk.  
This is the number of individual trees in a seedlot.  
Date Collected  
This is the pre-treatment code. Type or select from the drop-down  
list. Multiple treatments are allowed in the text box.  
This is the number of germinants per 10g of seed.  
This is the year the seedlot was last tested.  
Year Tested  
If the radio button is checked, the seedlot has been retested  
otherwise it is an initial test.  
This is the code for the location where the seedlot is kept in the  
seed store.  
This is the price category allocated to the seedlot.  
Check this radio button if the seedlot is restricted. Restricted  
seedlots are those of special values or use for certain projects only.  
Seed Orchard  
Check this radio button, if the seed was collected from a seed  
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Individual Tree Form  
The Individual form is accessed from the Seedlot form by clicking the Individual Button. You  
cannot add individuals until you have saved the data on the main Seedlot form.  
Explanation of items in the form  
Individual Trees are allocated the same seedlot number as the bulk  
seed from the same location.  
Tree Number  
This is the unique number given to seed collected from an individual  
tree. If you click the down arrow, the drop down list of tree numbers  
will appear displaying entered tree numbers and their respective  
Initial Weight  
Stock Weight  
Reserved Weight  
This is the weight of seed per individual tree when it is entered into  
the Database. The default value is zero.  
This is the current weight per individual tree number in the  
This is the weight of seed per individual tree reserved by quotations  
for seed sales. The default value is zero.  
This is the number of germinants per 10 grams for the individual  
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The Taxa Form is for entering, editing and displaying taxa names and codes.  
Explanation of items in the form  
Type the first few characters of the genus, click the down arrow  
button and then select the genus from the drop-down list.  
Genus Id  
This is the genus code.  
Type the first few characters of the species, click the down arrow  
button and then select the species from the drop-down list.  
Species Id  
This is the species code. Species codes must be unique by  
themselves not in combination with the genus code.  
This is the author of the currently accepted taxonomic description of  
the taxa.  
Rotap Code  
Australian standard code for rare and endangered plant species.  
(Relevant to Australia only).  
The Treatment Form is for entering, editing and displaying pre-treatments applied to seed to  
promote germination.  
Explanation of items in the form  
This is the pre-treatment code  
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Treatment Description This is the pre-treatment description  
The Collector Form is for entering, editing and displaying names and codes of collectors of  
Explanation of items in the form  
Collector Id  
Code to uniquely identify the seed collector.  
Full name of the collector.  
Collector name  
The Prices Form is for entering, editing and displaying price categories for the sale of seed.  
You can specify different prices for bulk seed depending on the quantity purchased and you  
can also set a minimum purchase price for individuals.  
The prices entered here exclude the handling charge that must be entered in the Costs  
section of the system.  
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Explanation of items in the form  
Price Id  
Code used to link a price category set to a seedlot.  
Price Category  
Limit Low  
Weight range to which a price is assigned.  
The starting point of the weight range.  
The end point of the weight range.  
Price per gram of seed.  
Limit High  
Price per gm  
The Cost Form is for entering; editing and displaying fixed costs for goods and services other  
than the supply of seed.  
Explanation of items in the form  
Cost Description  
Description of the goods or service.  
Price charged for goods or service.  
You must always have an entry for handling, as it is integral to the system. This is the cost of  
selecting, packing and shipping a seedlot.  
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The Contacts submenu provides options to enter customer names and addresses as well as  
countries, regions, world zones and country groups.  
The Contact sub-menu has six options:  
Query Customers  
Query Contacts  
World Zones  
Country Group within Zones  
Enter names and addresses of customers.  
Enter countries and regions within countries.  
Query customers by country or region.  
Query contacts for a customer.  
Enter World Zones.  
Assign countries to groups within World Zones.  
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The Customer form is where you enter customer names and addresses and optionally,  
individual contacts for the customer.  
Explanation of items in the form  
Type the first few characters of a country and select from the  
drop-down list.  
Type the first few characters of a region and select from the  
drop-down list. A region is an area that is a sub-division of the  
country, e.g. State. If there is no requirement to sub-divide  
the country, then enter the country name again.  
Customer refers to an individual and/or organisation. Type in  
the new customer name then select the drop-down list to see  
if the customer has already been entered (Note: It is better to  
type in unique words that form part of the customer’s name. If  
you type commonly used words, e.g. company, then you get  
a lot of names in the drop-down list). If the customer has not  
been entered then proceed, if the customer is already there  
then exit from the form. It is important not to enter a  
customer more than once.  
Type new address, or if address has already been entered,  
select from the drop-down list.  
Restrict to region  
Check this radio button if you want to find the customer in a  
particular region. If it is not checked, you will be given the  
customer names from the entire database.  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
The main phone number for the customer.  
The alternate phone number or mobile number.  
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The fax number  
The customers email address.  
Opens the contacts form.  
Contacts Button  
NB. The Phone, Fax and Email entries on the customer form are linked to the address for  
that customer not the customer themselves. This allows you to establish different contact  
numbers for the same customer at different addresses.  
The contacts form is where contact details for an individual from a customer's organisation  
can be entered.  
Explanation of items in the form  
Contact Name  
The name of a person or job role within the customers  
Phone 1  
Phone 2  
The main phone number for the contact.  
The alternate phone number or mobile number.  
The fax number  
The contacts email address.  
Contact Type  
Classification for the type of contact.  
The Countries form is where you enter country names and information regarding  
requirements for the export of seed to these countries.  
When the Seeds Database is shipped it will include a Country Table populated with a list of  
the two character Country Ids and Country Names conforming to International Standards  
Organisation, (ISO), standard 3166-1.  
You should review the details of the countries you do business with to ensure that the  
additional parameters are correct for your organisation.  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
Explanation of items in the form  
Country Name  
Type the first few characters of a country and select from the  
drop-down list. If the country name is not in the list then enter  
the new country name.  
Country Id  
This is a two-character International Standards Organisation  
(ISO) code for all countries (refer ISO 3166-1).  
Permit Required  
Legals Required  
Check this radio button if an import permit is required for seed  
to be imported into to the selected country  
A few countries, especially South American countries, require  
seed export documents be certified by officials from their  
respective Embassy.  
Phyto Certificate Required  
Courier Zone  
Check this radio button, if a phytosanitary certificate is  
required to accompany the seed package.  
This is the global regional zone used for courier companies.  
Example: The form shown above is for India. India has a country id as ‘IN’. An import permit is  
required for all seed imports to India from Australia and a phytosanitary certificate is required  
to accompany the seed.  
Region Form  
The Region form is accessible through the Countries form. A region is an arbitrary area within  
a country that is used to narrow down the search of customer details. Where no regions are  
applicable the country name is entered again for region.  
The example below shows a number of regions defined for India.  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
Query Customer Form  
The Query Customer form allows you to extract information on your customers by country or  
Select the country and optionally a region and click the run button.  
Query Contacts  
The Query Contacts form provides a means to list all the contacts and their details for a  
specific customer.  
Select the Country, Region and Customer name and click the run button.  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
World Zones  
The World Zones data entry form allows you to create world zones for reporting purposes. A  
world zone may encompass the entire world or just a section of it.  
Explanation of items in the form  
Zone Id  
Number in the range 1 to 9999.  
Description of Zone.  
Country Groups  
The Country Groups data entry form allows you to create Country Groups within World Zones  
and assign countries to them.  
Explanation of items in the form  
Zone Id  
Select from drop down list.  
Description filled in from selection of Zone Id.  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
Group Id  
Number in the range 1 to 9999.  
Group Name  
Country Id  
Description of country grouping.  
Select from drop down list.  
Country Name  
Description filled in from selection of Country Id.  
Select the a zone you have already created and either select a Country Group that exists or  
enter a new County Group Id and Country Group Name then select a Country to add to the  
Country Group. Repeat until all the Countries you require are added to the Country Group.  
Keep repeating this process until all the Country Groups for the Zone have been created and  
all the relevant Countries have been assigned to them.  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
The Query/Report submenu has options to search and report on the database in a variety of  
The Query/Report sub-menu comes with nine options:  
Query Store by Seedlot or Species  
Query Store By Parameters  
User Defined Query/Report  
Stock Management  
Query Active Customers  
Query Seedlot History  
Query Taxa History  
Query Shipments  
Print or Email Seed Catalogue  
Extract standard report by seedlot or species.  
Extract standard report by variety of parameters.  
Query database by any parameters.  
Query stock by species.  
Query customers that purchased seed recently.  
Query all activity for a seedlot.  
Query changes to taxa names.  
Query where seed has been shipped.  
Print or Email catalogue of species in stock.  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  
Query Store by Seedlots or Species  
In this form you can search for multiple seedlots or multiple species but not both at the same  
Explanation of items in the form  
Type in the first few digits of the seedlot number and then select the  
seedlot from the drop-down list. The seedlot number will be  
transferred to the bottom part of the form. Add additional seedlots  
by repeating the same process. Click the Run button when finished.  
Type in the first few characters of the genus and then click the down  
arrow to select the genus from the drop-down list. Add additional  
genera by repeating the same process.  
Type in the first few characters of the species and then click the  
down arrow to select the species from the drop-down list. Add  
additional species by repeating the same process.  
By default the report just lists bulk seedlots that still have some seed in the store. The radio  
buttons at the bottom, Include Individuals and Include Empty Lots allow you to expand the  
report to include information for Individual Tree seed and Seedlots that no longer have any  
seed in the store.  
Seed Database Manual v5VN.doc  

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