Báo cáo Strengthening capacity in forest tree seed technologies serving research and development activities and ex-situ conservation - Completion report
Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development
Strengthening Capacity in Forest Tree Seed Technologies Serving
Research and Development Activities and ex-situ Conservation
No. 058/04VIE
Completion Report
July 2006 – June 2007
Table of Contents
Project Abstract.................................................................................................................2
Executive Summary ...........................................................................................................2
Introduction & Background ..............................................................................................3
Progress to Date................................................................................................................3
Publicity................................................................................................................................ 6
Report on Cross-Cutting Issues.........................................................................................6
Implementation & Sustainability Issues............................................................................6
Next Critical Steps.............................................................................................................6
Statutory Declaration........................................................................................................8
Improvement (RCFTI), Vietnam. April 2007................................................................................. 18
Strengthening Capacity in Forest Tree Seed Technologies
Serving Research and Development Activities and ex-situ
Conservation (No. 058/04VIE)
Project Name
Research Centre for Forest Tree Improvement (RCFTI),
Forest Science Institute of Vietnam, Hanoi
Vietnamese Institution
Dr Ha Huy Thinh
Vietnamese Project Team Leader
Australian Organisation
Ensis. (Joint Venture between CSIRO Forestry and Forest
Products and Scion, New Zealand)
Brian Gunn, Khongsak Pinyopusarerk, Bronwyn Clarke,
John Larmour
Australian Personnel
18th April 2005
Date commenced
February 2007
Completion date (original)
Completion date (revised)
Reporting period
April 2007
July 2006 – March 2007
Contact Officer(s)
In Australia: Team Leader
+61 2 62818211
+61 2 62818266
Brian Gunn
Research Officer
Organisation Ensis
In Australia: Administrative contact
Ms Eelaine Tan
Project Management Accountant
+61 3 95452225
+61 3 95452448
Organisation CSIRO FFP
In Vietnam
Dr Ha Huy Thinh
Organisation Research Centre for Forest Tree
+84 4 8389813
+81 4 8362280
Improvement, FSIV
1 Project Abstract
The Government of Vietnam (GoV) has embarked on a massive tree plantation program. By 2010 it
currentplantationestateofonemillionhectares,plustheequivalentofmore than 50,000hectaresof
qualityoftreeseedproducedfromitsownseedorchards,whichisamoresustainable strategythan
This project aims at strengthening the capacityofRCFTIandselectedregionalproductioncentresin
foresttreeseedtechnologiesthroughdevelopment ofafunctional tree seedcentre. Ensisisthe
Australian project partner contracted to provide the necessary training.
Since the SecondProgressReportcoveringtheperiodfrom JulytoDecember2005, activitieshave
continuedtobe undertakenlargelyinaccordancewiththemilestonedescriptionsundertheproject
Key activities undertaken
Followinginstallationoflicensedsoftwaretheseeddatabase is now running effectively.
Translationof theseeddatabaseintoVietnamesecomplete.
Trainingworkshopprovided toparticipantsinseedcollection and processing.
Establishment ofasilviculturaltrialtostudytheimpact ofthinning and fertilizer application on
seed production in Acacia crassicarpa seed production area.
2 Executive Summary
This Completion Report covers the period 1st July 2006 to project completion in May 2007.
As anticipated, this was a very busy period under the project with Milestones 6, 8 and 9 being
completed. A summary of the activities and outcomes achieved are listed below.
Milestone 6. Training was provided in Vietnam with respect to laboratory seed technology and seed
orchard management. The training was supported by reports on the training including assessments
of competencies by participants. Training in field collections had been completed during the
previous six month period.
Milestone 8. A breeding strategy for RCFTI focussing on eucalypts was prepared following
considerable interaction between the authors in Ensis and key staff within RCFTI.
Milestone 9.
A training module for trained staff to train others at the provincial level in seed
technology has been developed.
A report has been prepared as part of evaluating the effectiveness of the training
program under the project.
A business concept strategy plan has been prepared for RCFTI to implement as part of
its long term commercialisation plan.
Development of a strategy for distribution of improved seed, other germplasm sources
and services by RCFTI.
Completed compiling the RCFTI seed operations manual.
Follow-up visit by Ms Bronwyn Clarke in relation to the seed database.
All these reports have been prepared in Vietnamese and English.
3 Introduction & Background
A summary of the project objectives, outputs and approach is listed below:
A total of 12 Vietnamese staff will participate in one study tour and four training visits to Australia.
Managerial level training – four persons for two weeks at the commencement of the project to
study general operation in Australia to include the ATSC, visit seed orchards in Queensland,
New South Wales and Victoria.
Technical staff training – eight staff comprising four groups of two to receive hands-on
training and lectures in seed technology associated with field work (seed collection and
processing, seed orchard management, seed laboratory training and associated documentation.
Training will also cover development of tree breeding strategies, trial design and data analysis
of trials associated with seed orchard activities. Techniques to monitor the reproductive
biology of key species will also be studied. The understanding of reproductive biology is an
important component of understanding outcrossing rates and factors influencing quality and
quantity of seed production.
Four Ensis staff will make a total of 12 visits to Vietnam to work with RCFTI and regional centres
over the course of the project.
Project inception meeting followed by visit of field sites and regional collaborators
install the computerised seed database and train staff. This to be undertaken in 2005 with a
follow-up visit in 2006 to assess and make modifications to the database to ensure the process
is working effectively and data has been correctly entered.
a hands-on training course in seed collection at a pre-determined location (Dongha) for 10
participants and facilitated by ensis staff. Post harvesting seed processing and seed storage
requirements, reproductive biology studies will also be covered.
extensive field assessments of seed orchards in the north, centre and south of Vietnam
analyse field data to determine genetic variation within seed orchards and to provide baseline
data for thinning based on genetic parameters.
set up experimental plots for silvicultural treatments within one selected seed orchards.
Results will have application throughout all seed orchards in the country.
monitor flowering rate and seed production capacity in the sample plots
determine outcrossing rates of seed-orchard seeds to confirm genetic quality
develop breeding strategies for long-term genetic improvement and conservation
Vietnamese staff will be trained how to properly document Seed Centre operations and to use the
ATSC seed database, and will discuss with ATSC experts the appropriate modifications to
documentations and database, for RCFTI.
RCFTI and ATSC staff will work together to produce a Seed Centre Operations Manual for RCFTI,
adapted from the existing ATSC Operations Manual.
4 Progress to Date
4.1 Implementation Highlights
Milestone 6 – Competent staff in RCFTI
As part of Milestone 6, two one-week training workshops were held in Vietnam. The first
workshop was on ‘Seed Orchard Management’ held in Dong Hoi during the week commencing
3rd July 2006. The workshop was attended by 10 participants from various forest offices in nine
provinces who had some involvement with seed orchards. The objective of the workshop was
to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to efficiently and confidently undertake
establishment and management of seed orchards. A report on the workshop was submitted to
CARD with a copy attached to this report under Appendix 1.
The second workshop was on ‘Forest Seed Handling in the Laboratory’ held at RCFTI facilities
in Hanoi during the week commencing 14th August 2006. The course was attended by 12
participants from RCFTI and other forest offices. The objective of the workshop was to
provide participants with the knowledge and skills to handle seed from the time of collection in
the field through seed storage and dispatching seed to users. A report on the workshop was also
submitted to CARD with a copy attached to this report under Appendix 2.
Training in seed collection had been provided during the previous reporting period so is not
included here. However, the reports from the three training workshops and other related
training in seed orchard management and seed handling was summarised and submitted to
CARD as part of meeting requirements under Milestone 6.
Milestone 8 – Genetic Improvement Framework
In fulfilment of Milestone 8, Four key persons: Messrs Phi Hong Hai, Vice Director,
RCFTI/FSIV; Doan Ngoc Dao, MARD Forestry Department; Dang Phuoc Dai, Eastern South
Vietnam Forest Science and Production; and Do Huu Son, Researcher, RCFTI/FSIV visited
Ensis Canberra for one week commencing 21st August 2006 as part of developing the tree
breeding strategy and receive training in trial design and analysis. This was followed up with a
trip by Mr Pinyopusarerk to Hanoi for one week in order to gather further data on tree breeding
work that had taken place by RCFTI and other tree breeding work on eucalypts carried out in
Vietnam. This data was used to develop the strategy document ’Genetic Improvement for
Eucalypts in Vietnam’ which has been submitted to CARD and is attached in Appendix 3 for
Milestone 9 – Extension and Outreach
As part of preparing the various documents under Milestone 9, Messrs Pinyopusarerk and Gunn
made a one-week visit to RCFTI at the beginning of February 2007. This enabled Ensis project
staff to work closely with RCFTI to discuss earlier drafts of the documents and prepare final
drafts for translation.
RCFTI have developed a training module for use by trainers who were trained under the
project. The module will be used by trained provincial staff to train others associated with seed
orchard management and seed handling. This document has been submitted to CARD and is
attached in Appendix 4 for reference.
As a key part of assessing the effectiveness of training provided under the project, a
questionnaire was designed and distributed to all personnel involved with training. The focus
of the questionnaire was to seek feedback from participants to determine what new practices
have been improved or changed since undertaking training and how this impacted on the work
environment. This document was submitted to CARD as part of meeting Milestone 9 and is
attached in Appendix 5 for reference. Briefly, 64% of course participants provided responses to
the questionnaire. Of these, 75% reporting that they had applied their skills in the workplace.
Those that had not applied their skills provided comments that there had not been involved in
any seed handling activities associated with their work since training. Almost 50% of the
responses indicated they had applied their training to improve existing practices. A further 27%
indicated they had applied their skills to implementing new practices and procedures including
training others.
In response to the requirement to provide a ‘Seed centre commercialisation strategy and
implementation plan’, Ensis and RCFTI initially discussed the relevance of such a document in
relation to RCFTI’s current commercial situation and future opportunities. As a result it was
agreed that a document allowing RCFTI to develop a Business Plan for Tree Seed Supply and
Technical Services would be the most appropriate strategy. The outcome of this planning is the
preparation of a ‘Business Plan Strategy’ detailing steps required to be taken for its
development over time. Since RCFTI is not currently in a position to implement the plan, it is
designed to take effect from about 2009 to coincide with the implementation of the
government’s requirement that RCFTI moves towards self sufficiency as a commercial arm of
the Forest Science Institute of Vietnam (FSIV). The document has been submitted to CARD
and is attached under Appendix 6 for reference.
In addition to the ‘Business Plan Strategy’, a ‘Strategy for Distribution of Improved Seed’ by
RCFTI was also prepared and submitted to CARD. This document is linked to the business
plan but has a more immediate focus for the distribution of seed, other germplasm and linked
services. The document was prepared in close consultation with RCFTI to ensure that it
addressed the current situation as well as offering ideas for future development as RCFTI’s
seed and other resources expands. A copy of the report is provided in Appendix 7.
Other activities completed during this reporting period
The RCFTI seed handling operations manual has been completed in both English and
Vietnamese which outlines seed handling procedures by RCFTI staff. The manual has been
developed over the two years of the project in order to ensure that appropriate techniques have
been adopted relevant to RCFTI and provincial forestry offices. The document was submitted
to CARD.
Ms Bronwyn Clarke visited RCFTI for one week commencing 15th April 2007 for follow-up
training on installation of the RCFTI computerised seed database and management and use of
the information support system. The seed database is now functioning effectively with several
staff at RCFTI now competent at managing the database. Backing up of the database to provide
added security for the data is now fully operational. Some procedural adjustments to managing
the seed store and information processes were discussed. This included checking the physical
weights of the seed in store to ensure they matched with the database. Ensuring that all seed
sent out was recorded on the database and that a consignment note is generated as a critical step
in ensuring seed weights are correctly recorded. A hard copy filing systems was created to
keep information on correspondence with clients. A copy of Ms Clarke’s trip report is attached
in Appendix 8 for information.
4.2 Smallholder Benefits
Activities under the project are related to capacity building within RCFTI. There are therefore
no smallholder benefits to report on.
4.3 Capacity Building
Training of RCFTI staff has been the key activity within the reporting period as outlined above
and in the Logframe. In summary, the following training and supporting information was
• Seed orchard management workshop held in Dong Hoi, Vietnam for 10 participants for
a week commencing 3rd July 2006. Participants gained skills in establishment and
maintenance of seed orchards including cultural management.
• Forest seed handling in the laboratory workshop was held at RCFTI, Hanoi, Vietnam for
the week commencing 14th August 2006 involving 12 participants from both RCFTI and
regional forestry agencies. The training covered handling seed from the time of arrival
at the ‘centre’ through to storage and seed dispatch.
4.4 Publicity
4.5 Project Management
The project has been managed within the framework of the Project Proposal. Effective
collaboration has been on-going between RCFTI and Ensis.
5 Report on Cross-Cutting Issues
5.1 Environment
No issues to report.
5.2 Gender and Social Issues
No issues to report.
6 Implementation & Sustainability Issues
6.1 Issues and Constraints
No issues or constraints were experienced under the project during this reporting period.
6.2 Options
6.3 Sustainability
There are no sustainability issues associated with the above options.
7 Next Critical Steps
There are no critical steps to be taken since this is the completion of the project.
8 Conclusion
In reflecting back over the project, it can be said that the project objectives were well and truly
met in terms of quality and quantity and have had an impact on the Vietnam forest industry.
Systems are now in place for effective seed handling of research seedlots by RCFTI. Strategies
for cultural and genetic management of seed sources are well documented with examples of
implementation by RCFTI taking effect. Sixty four Vietnamese personnel from about 10
forestry related agencies across Vietnam attended training courses either in Vietnam or in
Australia directly through the project. As indicated in the training survey, 75% of those who
responded to the training questionnaire indicated that they were applying the skills they had
Apart from strengthening the skills of RCFTI and other agencies in seed handling and tree
breeding there has been the commissioning of the seed database and a number of documents.
These documents include:
• Genetic improvement for eucalypts in Vietnam
• Seed handling operation manual for RCFTI
• Strategy for distribution of improved seed
• Business plan for tree seed supply and technical services by RCFTI
These four documents are significant having application well in to the future with options for
The association between staff at RCFTI and CSIRO Ensis, has been very close, highly effective
and professional. Without this close collaboration, this project would not have been able to
achieve the level of outcomes that have resulted. The support of CARD team and funding
support from AusAID is acknowledged in enabling the project to achieve these successful
9 Statutory Declaration
CARD Project Title: - Strengthening Capacity in Forest Tree Seed Technologies Serving Research
and Development Activities and ex-situ Conservation
CARD Project Number: - 058/04VIE
We the undersigned hereby declare that during the period 01/07/2006 to 31/03/2007 we have
delivered the following inputs to assist in implementation of the above project.
Australian Personnel Provided Days
in Days
in Trips
Vietnam Australia
Brian Gunn
Khongsak Pinyopusarerk
John Larmour
Bronwyn Clarke
Vietnamese Personnel Provided
Ha Huy Thinh
Phi Hong Hai
Nghiem Quynh Chi
Nguyen Tuan Hung
Mai Trung Kien
Duong Thanh Hoa
Other staffs
Equipment & Other Services Description
Ladders (3 sets - 6 m/ladder) (made in VN)
Thresher - acacia pod (made in VN)
Budget Limit (A$)
Tarpaulin - drying seed (made in VN)
Storage container (made in VN)
Some other laboratory equipments (Buy in VN)
Project Progress Against Proposed Objectives, Outputs, Activities and Inputs
Note: In order that this Table reflects the ongoing project progress, developments undertaken between July 2006 and Project Completion date
(current reporting period) are shown in italics. Previous progress is shown in normal print.
Project Title: Strengthening Capacity in Forest Tree Seed Technologies Serving Research and Development Activities and ex- situ Conservation
Vietnamese Implementing Institution: Research Centre for Forest Tree Improvement
Information Required
All project objectives were considered relevant to the
Information Required
Performance Measures
i. Seed database compatible
with hardware, maintains
information which in turn
can be backed up to ensure
data security.
ii. Users of database able to
demonstrate appropriate
data entry, interrogation,
printed reports on various
outputs (seedlot listings,
consignment notes).
i. Existing ENSIS seed
database can be modified
to meet RCFTI needs.
Suitable computer is
available for installation
of database
ii Suitable staff can be
identified for training in
using the database
Implement an effective seed
tracking / recording system to
ensure accurate management
of seed records by the RCFTI
Tree Seed Centre.
Maintain accurate record of
seed in stock.
iii. Operations Manual
understood by staff
Develop skills in safe methods
of seed collection and
i. Attendance records and
adoption of equipment and
safe climbing practices as
defined by instructor.
ii. Equipment accepted by
climbers and adopted as
routine procedure and use.
i. Suitable climbers
identified who are willing
to adopt new safety
techniques and equipment.
ii. Equipment able to be
sourced / imported into
processing from forest trees,
including tree climbing, seed
harvesting, processing and
documentation. These skills
to be applied to RCFTI and
other stake holders identified
under Section 2.1.2 above.
iii. Higher yields of seed from iii. Seed available for
the range of sources which
reflect improved application
of skills. Accurate
documentation supporting
seed supplied to users.
Better seed germination
associated with improved
seed handling and control.
personnel to effectively test, ii. Manual in use by lab staff
seed i. Competency assessment at
enable conclusion of training.
i. Seed available to carry out
testing procedures
ii. Manual can be translated
in Vietnamese within the
timeframe of the project.
fumigate, store and document
and distribute seed entered
into seed centres. Ability to
handle seed for long-term ex
situ conservation measures
applicable in particular to
storage of indigenous tree
species. Flexible methods
will enable RCFTI to link a
seed database with a paper
stakeholders can adopt an
effective paper system.
Seed sent to growers is
accompanied by accurate and
relevant information.
seed Operations
Manual for RCFTI Seed
Improve productivity and
genetic quality of seed from
existing seed orchards and
seed production areas by
application of appropriate
silvicultural treatments
i. Increased yield and genetic
quality of seed in seed
orchards and seed
i. Practical and appropriate
technologies can be
identified for the
improved management of
the seed orchards.
production areas
Develop breeding strategies for i. Proposed strategies accepted
key plantation species for
long-term genetic
improvement and
Project management
i. All project related reports
prepared on schedule
against project proposal
ii. Equipment purchased and
iii. Acquittals submitted
Effective information system to
track seed from field
i. Demonstrated ability to
manage the database in
accordance with the
i. Operational data base
adapted to RCFTI needs
ii. Staff able to master the
data base applications
i. The seed database has been modified to RCFTI needs
and installed on an RCFTI computer.
collection to end user with
the support of an electronic
seed database and paper trail
ii. Staff at RCFTI trained in the database application.
One officer proficient at entering and interrogation of
ii. Seed sent out to clients with
associated origin data and
other relevant information
pertaining to the seed
Installation of licensed software to run the seed database
has enabled the data to be successfully backed-up as
required. The exercise of reinstalling the seed database
and re-entry of seedlots by Ms Chi has demonstrated
her proficiency at successfully achieving this task.
The visit by Ms Clarke’s from Ensis to RCFTI in April
2007 confirmed the effective use of the database
including back up facilities and proficiency of key staff
in its application. Examples of consignment notes for
distribution of seed held on file demonstrating proof of
Field staff trained in seed
collection, processing and
documentation including the
use of safe tree climbing
Appropriate tree climbing
equipment provided to the
various field operators within iii. Demonstrated application
i. Staff able to climb trees
using equipment and
applying safety techniques
taught in the training course
ii. Seed cleaned to acceptable
levels of purity and
i. A 9 day seed collection training course was
implemented facilitated by J. Larmour and attended by
15 participants between 22 – 30 May 2006. Training
was split between RCFTI Hanoi and Ba Vi field station.
The course included tree climbing using equipment
supplied under the project. Further practice is required
to ensure proficiency. Contracted seasonal climbers
were not on hand for training.
of a combination of
techniques applied to clean
the seed.
ii. Seed cleaning techniques were demonstrated and
discussions held on the need to develop facilities to
cater for increased seed productivity and hopefully
iii. Given that the training has only just been provided
and RCFTI staff still require to demonstrate application
in terms of developing facilities etc. Demonstrated
application of the skills will require to be assessed later
in the project. ie. During next years seed harvest. .
Laboratory staff effectively i. Records in seed database
trained to enable them to test, matched with physical seed
i. Suitable staff available
for training
A 1-week training course in laboratory seed technology
was held commencing the week 14th August. 12
document and store seed,
including conservation ii.. Outputs from database
techniques for long-term seed show correct records
storage, and effective in ii. Seed sent to clients
in stock
ii. Document can be
translated into Vietnamese
within the duration of the
participants attended comprising staff from RCFTI Ha
Noi and from provincial forestry offices. Participants
demonstrated their ability to test seed, understand
storage requirements and prepare associated
responding to seed requests
and distribute seed and
accompanied by
consignment notes
containing necessary
seedlot information
RCFTI has established an effective documentation system
to support the database and physical seed in and out of
the store. As mentioned above, consignments notes for
shipment of seed is stored on file in support of their
effectiveness in maintaining records. A refinement to
the system was introduced during ms Clarke‘s visit to
ensure the physical weight of seed in the store
representing the activities of iv. Monitoring of staff during
the seed handling operations training
from seed collection through v. Uptake of training in every
to storage and distribution
day use when handling seed
without supervision
corresponds with the seed database record.
vi. Document in use
Over the course of the project, a seed operations manual
has been developed to reflect RCFTI procedures. The
manual has been completed in both English and
Experiments on silvicultural
treatments in existing seed
i. Sample plots demarcated
and layouts mapped out
ii. Vietnamese staff capable of
assessment and analysis
iii. Seed orchards thinned
following data analysis
iv. Written guidelines and
practical thinning in Seed
production areas
i. completed
The Acacia crassicarpa progeny trial at Dong Ha was
thinned following assessment and analysis and has now
been converted to a seedling orchard The first
commercial collection will take place in May/June this
Thinning seed production areas
The experimental design course provided to 4 officers by
Mr Pinyopusarerk has strengthened their skills in trial
design and analysis. The course also provided
opportunity for the officers from RCFTI to have inputs
in to the eucalypt tree breeding strategy.
v. Seed yield increases
vi. Genetic quality confirmed
by determination of
outcrossing rates
Current RCFTI trials are being assessed and analysed
iv. written guidelines prepared in English and Vietnamese
Frameworks set for
management of genetic
improvement programs
Breeding strategies understood
and accepted for
implementation by RCFTI
Breeding strategy for eucalypts prepared jointly by Ensis
and RCFTI staff using information provided by RCFTI.
The preparation of the document was subject to
considerable discussions on approach to take and what
genetic material and results were available. It is
generally accepted that the document may require
modification in years to come as priorities change and
different opportunities arise.
Project managed in accordance i. As per document
Carried out in accordance with project document
with project proposal
ii. Equipment supplied
iii. Acquittals submitted
i. ENSIS to modify seed
database to meet RCFTI’s
requirements following
discussions between the two
ii. Develop a User Operations
Manual for the seed database
application in English
i. Seed database modified
i. The seed database was installed at RCFTI in September
2005 following successful modifications.
ii. Seed database operations manual prepared in English
and provided to RCFTI at the time of the training course
in use of the database.
ii. Manual prepared in English
iii. Records of visit to ENSIS
iii. Visit undertaken and reported under 1st – 6 month
progress report
iv. Confirmation by RCFTI to
ENSIS that computer and
printer installed as per
iii. 2 officers from RCFTI
earmarked to use the seed
database and undertake other
iv. computer and printer installed
v. submitted to CARD
seed activities to visit ENSIS v. Travel records and trip
Canberra for 3 weeks as part
of exposure to the ENSIS
seed database and to finalise
requirements for their own
report highlighting
vi. All seedlots (76) were entered into the database.
However, it will be necessary to re-enter all these
seedlots again once licensed MS software has been
successfully reinstalled.
database (see also 3 i below). vi. RCFTI confirm all seedlots
All seedlots have been re-entered in to the database.
At the same time discuss
hard copy system as a back-
up to the seed database.
Start designing/ modifying
documents where required to
support system.
vii. Manual translated in to
viii Report on effectiveness of
seed database application
and outstanding issues and
how they are to be
addressed .
vii Manual translated in to Vietnamese and presented to
viii. New version of MS Windows and Office
professional installed resulting in the successful
application of the seed database.
iv. RCFTI to arrange for a
suitable computer and printer
to be made available for
loading up the seed database
v. One ENSIS officer (K. Aken)
to visit RCFTI for 2 weeks to
install the seed database and
familiarise staff with its
operation and ensure it is in
viii. Visit by Ms Clarke in April 2007 confirmed that the
database is running effectively, A minor problem relating
to the back-up of the data has been resolved amongst a
number of minor issues as outlined in her trip report.
ix. Study tour undertaken as reported in the 1st – 6 month
vi. RCFTI to enter all their
seedlots into the database.
vii. Translate operations manual
into Vietnamese
ix. Record of visit to Australia
viii.One ENSIS officer (B.
Clarke) to make a 2 week
follow-up visit to ensure
effective operation of the
seed database and make
modifications where
ix. Study tour of Australia by
senior managers from FSIV/
RCFTI (training item 1)
i. ENSIS in consultation with
RCFTI to prepare list of
equipment for seed
i. List of equipment prepared
i. Equipment items purchased have been listed under the
stat declaration as well as in report form.
collection and processing
and purchase items within
limits of budget.
ii. Appropriate documentation
provided to ENSIS for
import of equipment
ii. Discussions held between RCFTI and Ensis on
requirements for imported equipment.
ii. RCFTI to arrange for
iii. Trip undertaken and report provided
importation of tree climbing iii. Travel records and trip
report highlighting
iv. RCFTI has provided training to others through hands
on experience. A training module for use by trainers to
train other provincial staff has been developed by RCFTI
and submitted to CARD.
iii. One ENSIS officer (J.
Larmour) to visit Vietnam
for 1 week as part of
providing training (Dong
Ha) in seed collection and
iv. Program of training
developed by stake holders
and travel records / record
of people trained.
v. Travel records and trip
v. Completed as reported in 1st – 6 monthly Project
iv. Trained personnel to then
train other field staff in tree
climbing and seed collection
within their sphere of
v. 2 personnel to visit Australia
to undertake training in seed vi. Travel report on findings
biology and seed collection
techniques in conjunction
with seed processing,
and recommendations etc.
testing and documentation.
i. 2 officers from RCFTI to i. Travel record, course
i. Completed as reported in 1st – 6 monthly Project Report
undertake laboratory based
seed technology training as
part of their visit to discuss
the development of the seed
database. This to include ex
situ conservation strategies
for seed.
schedule, trip report.
ii. Training provided in Australia used to develop
procedures at RCFTI and in to provincial centres.
iii B. Gunn presented a training workshop in laboratory
seed handling in August 2006. training material was
provided and an assessment of skills learnt made at the
conclusion of the workshop. Following the workshop,
Gunn visited various field trials, seed stands and
provincial offices to assess and discuss adoption of new
seed handling facilities and approaches.
ii. On returning to RCFTI ii. Program of training
developed by RCFTI and
records of trained people
techniques into RCFTI seed
centre and train other staff as
iii. One ENSIS officer (B. iii. Travel record and trip
Gunn) to visit Vietnam to
provide hands on training in
handling and testing.
i. One ENSIS officer (K. i. Travel record and trip
report; key stakeholders
attended meeting and fully
briefed of work plan
Vietnam to lead field work on
establishment of silvicultural
trials in seed orchards. Trip to
stakeholders and beneficiaries
ii. Vietnamese counterparts to
study seed orchard
management and assessment
in conjunction with their visit
to Australia for seed
ii. RCFTI respond to
recommendations with own
management plans for seed
collection and processing
under (Activity 2 v).
iii. RCFTI and regional centres
to apply silvicultural
iii. Experimental plots
established following
treatment plans
treatments in seed orchards
iv. KP to supply guidelines and
demonstrate thinning in seed
production areas
iv. Records of flowering trees
and seed production
iv. Monitoring flowering, seed
production and collection
i. One ENSIS officer (K.
Pinyopusarerk) to visit
Vietnam to review progress
and lead field assessment in
collaboration with
Vietnamese project staff
ii. RCFTI and regional staff
visit Australia to participate
in development of breeding
iii. RCFTI and regional staff
visit Australia for data
iv. Determine outcrossing rates
of seed at RCFTI lab
i. Trip reports
i. Completed
ii. 4 officers including two from RCFTI visited Ensis for
one week as part of training in trial design and analysis.
Discussions were also held regarding the development of
a breeding strategy for eucalypts.
ii. Breeding strategies agreed
and developed
iii. The Acacia crassicarpa progeny trial at Dong Ha was
used for assessment and analysis, the results from which
have provided a basis for genetic thinning and conversion
to a seedling seed orchard.
iii. Data analysis completed
iv. Report on lab results
v. Trip report
iv. Seed production in A. crassicarpa SSO was found to
be very good after thinning. Seed collection is currently
underway and outcrossing rates will be determined by
RCFTI staff who have acquired the necessary skills
through a previous CARD project.
v. One ENSIS staff to visit seed
orchards and participating in
PCC meeting
v. Completed..
i. Inception meeting in Hanoi i. Travel records of
Conducted as part of 1 st – 6 month Project report.
followed by visit to the 3
field stations (Bavi, Quang
Tri and Long An)
Meetings held routinely to coincide with visits by Ensis
staff to RCFTI. Under this report meetings were held in
August and February.
ii. PCC meetings (six monthly)
ii. Report on meeting to
include discussions on
management of project,
activities schedule by staff
i. Contract software programmer i. ENSIS to contract
i. Seed database provided
to modify seed database
ii. Travel by RCFTI and ENSIS
officers between countries
iii. Computer hardware and
programmer. RCFTI
officer to Aust. 1 ENSIS
officer to Vietnam x 2 trips
ii. Computer hardware and
ii. Travel undertaken as per project schedule in order to
install software and provide training.
Follow-up trip to address outstanding issues at
conclusion of project.
iii. Training associated with
each visit
i. Travel by RCFTI and ENSIS
officers between countries
i. One ENSIS and 3 RCFTI
All travel undertaken as per travel schedule
ii. Equipment for seed collection ii. 3 sets of equipment for tree
Climbing equipment provided.
and processing
iii. Training to be provided, 1
in Aust. and 2 in Vietnam
Training provided as per schedule.
i. Travel by RCFTI and ENSIS
officers between countries
ii. Equipment for laboratory and ii. Equipment for laboratory
i. One ENSIS and 2 RCFTI
ii. As discussed above
Training in seed processing and laboratory work
undertaken by B. Gunn in this reporting period
seed storage
and seed storage
iii. Training to be provided in
both countries
i. Travel by ENSIS to assist with i. One ENSIS officer to
i. In conjunction with a visit to Vietnam in July to
seed orchard management.
training course on seed orchard
management, K. Pinyopusarerk also visited existing
seed orchards with key RCFTI staff and discussed
management strategies to enhance seed production.
ii. Training to be provided
As discussed above.
i. Travel by RCFTI and ENSIS
officer between Aust and
i. One ENSIS officer to visit
Vietnam and RCFTI
officers to visit Australia
ii. Resource material
iii. Training assistance in
developing breeding
strategies and analysing
i and ii. As discussed in #4 above
iii. The visit by VN staff to Australia has improved the
knowledge in tree breeding strategies. Trained RCFTI
staff made significant contribution to the report on
‘Genetic improvement for eucalypts in Vietnam’.
Trained RCFTI staff are capable of handling data analysis
of genetic trials.
10 Appendices
10.1 Appendix 1. Report on Training Course in Seed orchard Management. 4 - 6th July 2006
10.2 Appendix 2. Report on Forest Seed Handling in the Laboratory. 14 - 18th August 2006
10.3 Appendix 3. Genetic Improvement for Eucalypts in Vietnam. December 2006
10.4 Appendix 4. Training Program for Provincial Forestry Staff in Vietnam. April 2007.
10.5 Appendix 5. Appraisal of training carried out under CARD Project 058/04VIE Part of
Milestone 9 – Provincial staff assessment of quality and value of training. April 2007
10.6 Appendix 6. Business Plan for tree Seed Supply & Technical Services by the Research
Centre for Forest Tree Improvement, Vietnam. April 2007.
10.7 Appendix 7. Strategy for Distribution of Improved Seed by Research Centre for Forest Tree
Improvement (RCFTI), Vietnam. April 2007.
10.8 Appendix 8. Project Trip Report by B. Clarke on Follow up training on installation of the
RCFTI computerized seed database and management and use of the database system. 15 –
21st April 2007.
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