Priorities setting in forestry (CARD workshop on research priority setting in Hoa Binh 12-2010)

(CARD workshop on research priority setting in Hoa Binh 12-2010)  
Trieu Van Hung & Do Xuan Lan  
Department of Science Technology and Environment  
Science and Technology is defined by the Vietnamese Party and Government as an  
important motivation for socio-economic development. As a result, the requirements and  
demands of the society in the future (up to 2020) towards the forestry sector are increasing  
regarding the function of environmental protection, tourism and culture, biodiversity  
conservation and contribution to the national economy.  
To support the current socio-economic development in Vietnam, scientific research in  
general and in forestry in particular should be promoted. Thus far, a number of research works  
on various types of forests, especially on forests and environment protection and biodiversity are  
implemented by research agencies in the forestry sector and by other research agencies from  
other sectors. However, as there has been no long-term orientation or plan for research activities,  
the effectiveness of this research is not yet conjoined with the development situation.  
Thus, a strategy for forestry research to 2020 aims towards: "A modern and improved  
forestry science and technology foundation is developed to the regional level, contributing to  
satisfying social demands in sustainable forestry development in the fields of socio-economic  
and environment which are in accordance with Sect oral Development Strategy and National  
Development Strategy".  
This paper outlines past achievements, future opportunities and potential capacity in  
forest research and serves as resource material to assist participants of the agriculture sector  
priorities setting workshop to assess research potential and capacity in forestry - one of the focus  
Forestry is a specific technical economic sector, including all activities connected with  
commodity production and services from the forest, such as reforestation / afforestation,  
harvesting, transportation, production and processing of forest products, and providing  
environmental services related to forests. The forestry sector plays a very important role in the  
protection of the environment, biodiversity conservation, and poverty reduction, particularly for  
people in the mountainous areas, and contributes to social stability and to national defense  
As of 31 December 2009, the country’s forest area is 13.26 million (mil.) hectares (ha)  
including about 10.34 mil. ha of natural forests and 2.92 mil. ha of plantations, equivalent to  
39.1% of forest coverage. The area of production forest is 6.29 mil. ha, protection forest 4.83  
mil. ha and special used forest 2.0 mil ha  
At the national scale, substantial progress has been achieved in forest protection and  
development, which has prevented the degradation of both forest area and quality, resulting in  
the increase of forest area from 11.73 mil. ha in 2005 to 14.17 mil. ha in 2010 (increasing, on  
average, 0.48 mil. ha each year). At present, an average of more than 200,000 ha of forests have  
been planted annually. Plantation–based timber harvesting yields reached 3.0 mil. m3 in year  
2010, aimed to provide materials for export–based forest product processing and domestic  
The timber and forest product processing sector has gained outstanding progress, which  
gradually meets domestic demands, contributing substantially to export turnover and creating  
opportunities for development of material plantations. The value of forest-products–based export  
turnover has increased from 1,570 mil. USD in 2005 to 3,233 mil. USD in 2010.  
Production operations of the forest sector have been changing remarkably from state–  
owned forestry with centralized planning to socialized forestry, which allows a multi–  
stakeholder economic structure and follows market economy mechanisms. Thus, the forest sector  
has been actively involved in employment creation and livelihood improvement for nearly 25%  
of the Vietnamese people who live near forest and mountainous regions, thus contributing to the  
assurance of social and political security and the creation of a driving–force for the overall  
development of the country in recent years.  
Although the forest area is increasing, the quality and biodiversity of the natural forests  
have been continuously reduced. In many locations, forest areas have been increasingly  
damaged; meanwhile, production plantations under the 661 Program have not met the expected  
The forest sector’s growth is low and unsustainable. It is low in profit, weak in  
competitiveness, and the potential of forest resources has not been properly and comprehensively  
exploited, particularly for non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and environmental services.  
3.1. Constraints in Forestry Research in Vietnam  
Based on the development of forestry research in Vietnam in recent years, we can  
identify the following constraints:  
Lack of strategy in research directions and themes: Not much attention is paid to sector  
development forecasts to identify the orientation for research activities in each period. A  
Science and Technology Research Strategy for the Sector is developed, but not correctly  
implemented in the reality and it is still difficult to define research directions and themes.  
The development of research plans are not consistent with characteristics and requirements  
of forestry research: the production and business cycles of forest trees are long but a research  
at sectoral level lasts only 2 – 3 years and perhaps 5 years for research at the national level.  
Insufficient information: There is a lack of information, especially information obtained from  
actual production, from other countries and market information etc. This has resulted in  
irrelevant selection of research themes and identification of objectives, which has affected  
research results.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
Lack of inter-disciplinary and systemization: Research contents lack inter-disciplinary and  
systemization and pressing issues of production practice have not been synchronously  
resolved. There are big gaps in research, such as in baseline research to develop new  
technical methods, and new technologies; in research on forest resources and forestland  
management; in research on organisation and management of forest employment; in research  
on marketing of forest products; and in research to apply foreign advanced technologies.  
There is a lack of motivation for research, and little application of advanced technology in  
production due to a lack of competition. Current policies do not encourage and promote  
research activities, and the benefits are not attractive enough to keep competent researchers  
in the forestry sector.  
Lack of researchers and weak capacity: The effectiveness of the work of research is not very  
high because there is no synchronicity and no close links between scientists and researchers  
at different levels. There is also a lack of up-scaling from previous research results. During  
the process of transferring into a market-oriented economy and with forestry shifting into  
social forestry, researchers have not been equipped with relevant knowledge, which has  
resulted in insufficient research results.  
There is no close cooperation among researchers and research establishments, and between  
research and propagation, production and training at the initial stages of planning. Research  
design thus far has not required much involvement of the end-users. Science and technology  
programmes and socio-economic programmes are not closely linked together. Economic  
effects of research activities and technology transfer has not been appropriately coupled.  
Poor research conditions: Equipment, laboratories and sites, etc. have not met the  
requirements of research activities. Forests for research and experimental activities are not  
well managed. Research establishments are still subsidized by the government and not active  
and creative.  
Limited budget for research activities: Before 1999, investment in research was less than 1%  
of GDP. Total investment in forestry research accounts for approximately 1.5% of the total  
investment in research and implementation in the whole country, still a very small figure.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
3.2. Forestry Research Trends  
Based on the identified constraints and achievements in Forestry Research in Vietnam in  
the last years, the main important trends can be identified (see also figure 1):  
Figure 6: Overview of main trends, constraints and achievements identified in Forestry Research  
in Vietnam  
Identified constraints on forestry  
Identified achievements on forestry  
Lack of strategy  
Insufficient information (international,  
Lack of interdisciplinary and  
Lack of competition / motivation  
between researchers  
Baseline surveys  
Silvicultural techniques  
Tools and techniques in forest industry  
Land potential assessments  
Forest plantation  
Forest resource preservation and  
forest protection  
Limited capacity researchers  
Lack of cooperation between  
Seeds and Biotechnology  
Important trends based on identified constraints and  
achievements in forestry research:  
Forestry research includes social, economic and  
environmental values of forestry  
Effective use of barren land areas for extensive  
forest plantation  
Inter sectoral and multidisciplinary approach  
Increase of international relations and  
Formerly, forestry research activities were mainly concentrated on investigation and  
assessment of forest resources for exploitation and utilization. These days, awareness of the  
values of the forests, especially indirect values, has been further improved, which had led to  
wider ranges in forestry research activities in order to develop a sustainable forestry sector  
with multiple purposes.  
Research activities on the effective use of barren land areas and extensive forest plantation  
have a high priority due to concerns with satisfying the demands for materials in processing  
industry (paper, plywood). In macro land use planning the barren land areas which cannot be  
used in agriculture cultivation will be the object of forest production. Forest exploitation will  
be reduced because of dramatic degradation of natural forests. Later natural forest gates will  
be closed as per the intention of the Government.  
In the past, forestry research was concentrated in individual sectors, and focused on natural  
and technical aspects. In the course of future development, forestry research will be more  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
characterized by inter-sectoral and multiple sectors which will focus on socio-economics,  
mechanisms and policies, aiming at shifting from State forestry into social forestry or into  
community forestry.  
Alongside with the Government's open policies, international relations in forestry research  
are expanding at a larger scale, with varied cooperation activities, which contribute to  
improved capacity and to raising the reputation of forestry research in the region and in the  
3.3. Major achievement  
As stated in the Forestry Research strategy, the main achievements of the forestry  
research over the last 10 years are:  
1. Baseline survey: The results from the observation of forest resources are used to make  
a baseline survey that is released every 5 years. This survey creates important data for the  
building of socio-economic development plans and development plans of the sector.  
2. Silviculture techniques for natural forests: Thorough research on many different forest  
types has been carried out (such as on Pinus spp. forests, dry open dipterocarp forests, mangrove  
forests, natural deciduous forests etc.) on the ecology, forest structure, forest dynamics, and  
impact techniques. The scientific basis for forest rehabilitation and regeneration have been  
identified for forest enrichment and forest improvement, which have resulted in good yields of  
two- or three-fold higher.  
3. Forest plantation: Land potential has been assessed in order to identify relevant uses.  
Extensive forest plantation techniques were developed in order to improve the yields and quality  
and shorten the felling cycle of trees to provide material for the paper and plywood industry,  
such as for Styrax tonkinensis, Manglietia spp., Pinus merkusii, Pinus massoniana, Pinus kesiya,  
Techtona grandis, Acacia mangium, hybrid acacia and Eucalyptus spp. etc. The expected annual  
yield is 25-30m3 per hectare. Forest plantation techniques for indigenous and imported trees  
were also developed for such trees as Pinus merkusii, Pinus mossonia, Techtona grandis,  
Michelia spp, Hopea spp., Erythrophloeum fordii, Aglaia silvestris, Cinnamomum spp. etc.  
Protection forests were planted in watershed areas or coastal areas to prevent sand storms and sea  
waves with such species as drought resistant eucalyptus, acacia, Melia spp., mangrove species  
4. Seeds and tree improvement: Research on seeds has included research on selection,  
species trials, provenance trials, prominent tree selection, progeny tests, cross breeding, new  
species trials and local imported species in different land areas and climates and also for different  
forest plantation aims. High value nurseries and nursery forests have been created. The scientific  
basis for seed supply has been improved in the whole country. Forty species have been proved to  
be appropriate for advanced breeding techniques and about 60% of seedlings have been  
improved for forest plantations.  
5. Achievements in applying biotechnology: Silviculture and propagation techniques  
have provided high yields and quality seedlings such as Acacia mangium, Acacia hybrids and  
Eucalyptus Urophylla, which help to provide seedlings for the five million hectares afforestation  
program, especially for forest plantation for paper materials and plywood production.  
Propagation techniques has helped to produce casuarinas and some other species for coastal  
protection forest plantations. Research has also used molecular markers to create interventions  
into the gene to select some species such as Acacia, Eucalyptus, Chukrasia etc, and some alleles  
have been identified for some species which have been certified. Eucalyptus experimentation  
has included applying interventions into the gene which has resulted in lignin changes. Finally,  
there has been research on using Mycorrhiza fungi in eucalyptus and pine forest plantation; using  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium fungi for legume; and using Frankia fungi for casuarinas and  
Bouveria fungi to produce pesticide to fight against pine caterpillars etc.  
6. Forest resources preservation: Research on natural conservation and gene preservation  
has been very important. A red book was issued with the list of precious and rare animal and  
plant species that need to be protected; Nature Reserve areas have been established nationwide.  
Some protected areas were established to protect precious and rare species. Plant collection areas  
and ex-situ conservation areas were formed in various regions of the country.  
7. Forest protection: Research has focused on identifying the causes of infestation and  
ways of preventing pests and diseases; applying biological methods in detecting pests; producing  
biological finished products such as Beauverin and Bacillus, red eye bees etc; and anticipating  
risks of forest fires for each region and suggesting solutions .  
8. Forest industry: Research has contributed in the improvement of tools and equipments  
for timber and forest products exploitation, loading, hauling, and transportation. Concentrated  
exploitation areas have been mechanized. Research has also focused on finalizing and applying  
exploitation, restoration and processing technologies for timber taken from planted forests. Other  
examples of research on this topic are:  
- Research on technology transfer of wood and bamboo-chipping machines, improved  
fuel stoves etc.;  
- Applying timber drying techniques to produce artificial planks;  
- Producing various products from salvaged wood and timber taken from planted forests;  
- Using timber of planted forests instead of natural forests;  
9. Non-timber forest products: Research in this area has focused on promoting production  
and cultivation of NTFP species such as: rattan, bamboo, cinnamon, star anise, pine resin,  
agarwood, medicinal plants, etc. There have been studies on using stimulating agents to increase  
the yields of pine resin and developing processing technology on small scales to ensure close  
links with marketing.  
10. Economy, policy, and social forestry: Research in this area has focused on developing  
participatory social forestry models in different ecological and economic settings in order to  
settle the conflicts between the demands of food security and forest protection and development.  
Studies have assessed the implementation of policies and have given proposals for refinement of  
policies in forest management and development such as forest and forestland allocation, fixed  
cultivation and resettlement, etc.  
3.4. Contribution of research to forestry sector development  
Achievements in forest research have contributed significantly to development of the  
national economy in general and the forestry sector in particular.  
Most important achievement in forestry science may be referred to seed and seedling  
production and improvement. For the last 10-15 years, as results of the researches carried out by  
Vietnamese foresters have selected more than 120 new and technically advanced forest trees  
varieties including Acacia, Eucalyptus, Pinus of various types having high productivity and  
quality, high capacity to resist disadvantageous conditions. It contributes to the fact that more  
than 60% areas under new forest plantation are established by using new forest trees varieties. At  
present, foresters manage with tissue culture in combination with cutting to produce planting  
materials of eucalyptus, acacia and other trees. This technology is developed and can be applied  
in various scale of household level or industrial. The technologies have been transferred to many  
nurseries throughout the country.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
Forest research helped to identify main forest tree species commonly used in forest  
plantation establishment, forest land classification and land suitability for different forest tree  
species in various eco-zones.  
Forest research activities have also contributed significantly to improving seeds and  
planting materials quality of NTFP. The Research on seeds has included selection, species trials,  
provenance trials, prominent tree selection, progeny tests, cross breeding, new species trials in  
different land areas and climates and also for different forest plantation aims. High value  
nurseries and nursery forests have been created. The scientific basis for seed supply has been  
improved in the whole country. Forty species have been proved to be appropriate for advanced  
breeding techniques and about 60% of seedlings have been improved for forest plantations.  
Experimental plantations of indigenous trees such in different ecological zones have also  
been conducted. Developed more than 20 procedures, instructions and planting techniques,  
about care of forest for timber production, non-timber forest product and protections forests. 15  
proposed drug storage and drug prevention and forest products have a good effect, safe  
environment. Identify the value of forest resources in some form of forests, making rules, the  
method of determining a base of national forests issued Decision No. 380/QD-TTg pilot policy  
on payment of forest environmental  
Notably, recent studies, trials of Macadamia trees in some northern and central highlands  
provinces has produced very promising results. The plant native to Australia grown for seeds,  
has high value with 78% fat, 10% sugar, 9.2% protein and micronutrients such as K, P, Mg. In  
2010, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has recognized four clones of  
Macadamia (OC, 246, 816, 849) as suitable for planting in Krong (Dak Lak) and where similar  
conditions exist, these non-timber trees were first recognized as a variety of technical advances.  
The recognition of these variety yields from 4.8 to 7.1 kg per tree per year for 5-6 years old trees  
in Dak Lak, the higher yield of plants of the same age in Hawaii is 3.0 to 5, 0 kg / tree / year and  
is considered the world's highest  
Tissue culture techniques that became popular to create high quality and uniform  
seedlings for forest plantation. The plantation yield has increased significantly, from to 8-10  
m3/ha/year in the 1990s to 20-30 m3/ha/year.  
The Vietnamese forest researchers have also built a computer program for management  
and monitoring of forests and forest lands allocated to farmers and community based on  
information technology and GIS techniques; Classification of lands assigned to afforestation at  
micro level for three species of Acacia hybrid, Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus Urophylla that  
contribute to rational land use, increase of forest productivity and high environmental protection  
Analyzed the impact of policies to wood and wood products market; Determining the  
value of direct and indirect use value of three types of forest as protection, special use and  
production forests in Southern East; Developed instructions and method for quantifying forest  
environment service value of forests as the basis for the monetization of the value of forests,  
contributing to changing perceptions about the value of forests.  
Because of the long business cycle of forest trees, the forestry research needs a long time  
to be effective. This is the biggest challenge in building strategy of forestry research. On that  
basis, the current programs / forestry research is designed slightly longer than the other sector,  
usually from 3 to 5 years. On the other hand, at present in MARD, some research programs have  
been built on the cycle basis, such as establishment and data collection in permanent sample  
plots. However, with the application of scientific achievements in basic research in biology  
(biotechnology, cell technology, etc.) has shortened some stages of forestry research,  
contributing quickly introduce the research results into actual production.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
The rapid development of timber processing in recent years has resulted in high demands  
for research and technological development as well as vocational training. The result was the  
most active links in the system of research, training and popularization of the processing  
industry. Clearly, this is an area with potential to promote closer links and "business partners"  
dynamic between processing facilities and research institutions in the future.  
The Forestry Extension Organisation plays an important Role in introduction of research  
results and advanced technologies for production. However, there is a lack of close and effective  
cooperation between research, extension and production units.  
Number of forest trees varieties recognized increase significantly resulting from  
continuous efforts from the previous investment both in scientific research and finance. More  
attention has been paid to producing high quality seeds for reforestation, afforestation, especially  
for production forest plantation by seeking various funding sources from non-state budgets.  
These efforts help encourage researches in forest trees breeding. Quality of seeds and seedlings  
used in forest plantation get improved, the rate of good seeds used increase. Technology for seed  
production by tissue - cuttings were widely popular.  
Number of forest seedlings certified,  
Number of new  
varieties certified  
Number of scientific researches approved and put into application  
Forest Industry  
The number of scientific researches in the period has been reduced partly for more focused  
4.1. Objectives to 2020  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
To sustainably establish, manage, protect, develop and use 16.24 million ha of land  
planned for forestry;  
to increase the ratio of land with forest up to 42 – 43% by the year 2010 and 47% by  
to ensure a wider participation from various economic sectors and social  
organizations in forest development,  
to increase their contributions to socioeconomic development, environmental  
protection, biodiversity conservation and environmental services supply,  
To reduce poverty and improve the livelihoods of rural mountainous people, and to  
contribute to national defense and security.  
4.2. Economic tasks  
- The rate of forestry production growth (including forest products processing industry  
and environmental services) will be from 4 – 5%/year. Efforts will be made to increase the  
forestry sector’s contribution to the national GDP to 2 -3% by 2020.  
- 8.4 million ha production forest should be managed sustainably and effectively. The  
area of regenerated natural forest and agro-forestry area is 0.62 million ha. Efforts will be made  
to get forest certification of 30% of the production forest areas. (Those areas will be assessed and  
issued certification for meeting sustainable forest management standards.) Appropriate planning,  
management and effective use of the protection forest system, of approximately 5.68 million ha,  
and 2.16 million ha of special-use forests.  
- 1.0 million ha of new plantation will be established by 2010 and 1.0 million ha for the  
next phase. 0.3 million ha/year will be reforested after harvesting. Zoning for regeneration of 0.8  
million ha of forest. Scattered tree planting: 200 million trees/year.  
- Domestic harvested timber volume will be 20-24 million m3/year (including 10 million  
m3 large timber), basically meeting the demand of raw material for forest products, pulp  
processing industry and export.  
- Fuel wood harvest for the rural areas will be maintained at a level of 25-26 million  
- Forest products annual export values will increase to over USD 7.8 billion (including  
USD 7 billion of timber products and USD 0.8 billion from export of NTFPs).  
- Annual revenue from forest environmental values will increase, reaching USD 2 billion  
by 2020, through clean development mechanism (CDM), ecotourism, erosion control, water  
sources protection, etc.  
4.3. Tasks for solving social problems  
- Generate more jobs for forestry laborers (including timber and NTFP processing sector  
and traditional art handicraft villages);  
- Improve income, contribute to poverty alleviation and reduce by 70% the number of  
poor households in key forest areas;  
- Complete allocation and lease forests and forest land to organizations, enterprises,  
households, individuals, and communities, before 2010.  
- Increase the number of laborers receiving vocational training up to 50%, with special  
focus on ethnic groups, poor households and women in remote and isolated areas.  
4.4. Tasks for securing environmental stability  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
- Forest protection, natural protection and biodiversity conservation are aimed to  
effectively contribute to watershed, coastal and urban protection, natural disaster mitigation,  
erosion control, protection of water sources and environmental protection, and to create income  
sources from environmental services (environmental fees, CO2 market, ecotourism, etc.) for the  
national economy.  
- Forest cover will be increased to 42 - 43% by 2010 and to 47% by 2020;  
- 0.25 million ha of protection and special-use forest will be planted by 2010.  
- Forest-related violations will be minimized. Slash-and-burn cultivation should be  
limited on forest land.  
4.5. Solutions on science and technology  
- Scientific technological research activities need to meet the production and market  
requirements while involving participation of forest owners and enterprises.  
- Develop and implement the Forestry Research Strategy for the period 2006-2020 with a  
focus on break-through research within the sector, such as on biotechnology, technology for  
refining NTFPs, high-yielding afforestation, improvement of poor natural forests, etc.  
- Develop and implement the 2006-2020 forest tree seed and seedling strategy in order  
initially to meet demands for high-quality seeds and seedlings used for afforestation under the  
Project 661 and other programs and projects.  
- Develop and implement the National Strategy on NTFP Development and Conservation  
during the period 2006-2020.  
- Establish national standards for sustainable forest management and Chain of Custody  
(CoC); develop national standards for wood and NTFP products.  
- Strengthen equipment and technical facilities for research organizations. Promote the  
application of modern and environmentally–friendly technologies and equipment for forest  
product processing and production. Foreign investment should be considered as a modern  
technology transfer channel.  
- Forestry extension organizations are established from central level to provinces and  
districts having a large area of forest (provinces with more than 50,000 ha of forests and forest  
land). Develop voluntary forestry extension organizations for the communes and villages,  
particularly in remote, isolated areas, where it is difficult for the state agricultural system to  
access. The State should provide the necessary support for voluntary organizations working in  
forestry extension.  
- Renovate the activities and capacity-strengthening for forestry institutes, universities,  
and schools to become qualified consultancy organizations meeting the requirements of forestry  
sector. Establishment of technology transfer centers, scientific technological consultancy centers  
and intensive training centers under research and education institutions is encouraged.  
Mechanisms will be developed for research, training and forestry extension institutes to increase  
their self-responsibility and independence concerning the quality and quantity of outputs.  
- Develop and implement a training strategy and improve capacities for forestry staff at  
all levels, particularly at the commune level. Focus on training and forestry extension activities  
for the poor, particularly ethnic minorities and women, and training for forestry staff in remote,  
isolated areas. Pay attention to forestry extension training and education activities for the poor.  
- Enhance management capacities for management staff, enterprises, communities and  
households working in forestry through on-site short courses and forestry extension to assist  
them in developing, implementing and monitoring forest protection and development plans  
- Improve capacities and technical facilities of forestry training units. Encourage  
domestic forestry training and extension organizations, NGOs and international projects to  
support training and extension activities.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
- Develop planning and provide opportunities for intensive training to scientists and  
senior teaching staff in different fields of forestry, with a particular focus on forest economics,  
and create favorable conditions to attract young researchers to be involved in scientific research  
and teaching.  
5.1. Research Priority in the Period of 2011-2015  
Based on the Forestry Development Strategy for Vietnam in the period 2006-2020 and  
development strategy of science and technology approved in 2010, the research priorities in  
forestry sector are identified by fields and divided into 3 priority levels as high, medium and low  
The research priorities are arranged in six fields: 1) planning, monitoring and evaluation  
of forest and forest resources, 2) institutional policies and forestry; 3) Sustainable Forest  
Management; 4) Forest Environment and Biodiversity; 5) Forestry and silviculture (natural  
forests, planted forests, non-timber forest products); 6) forest industry, storage and processing of  
forest products.  
a. Planning, monitoring and evaluation of forest and forest resources, including:  
+ Forest and forest land use planning at macro and micro level;  
+ Research and application of advanced science in technology for monitoring changes in  
forest resources.  
+ Building a system indicator to assess and monitor forest resources.  
b. Forestry Institutional policies, including:  
+ Predicting trend in forestry development for each period (demand, market, supply  
+ Reviewing practice and evaluating the implementation of existing mechanisms, policies  
and programs/projects. Based on that to propose solutions, the new policies on forestry,  
including socialization of forestry, land and forests allocation; mechanisms and policies on  
benefits sharing, investment, credit and environmental services of forests; the role of forests in  
poverty alleviation and contribution of the sector in the national economy.  
+ System of state management in forestry, the system of economic and technical norms  
for forest sector  
+ Forestry Development in the market mechanism.  
c. Sustainable forest management, including:  
+ The type of management and development of forests.  
+ The methods of sustainable forest exploitation and use, including natural forests and  
+ Develop national standards for sustainable forest management.  
d. Forest Environmental services and biodiversity, including:  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
+ Forests for environmental protection, climate change and disaster prevention.  
Protection capacity of these forests.  
+ Evaluating the value of forests on environment and landscape;  
+ Biodiversity of natural forests and improve forest biodiversity.  
+ Research on conservation and use of genetic resources of animal species, rare native  
+ Development of urban forestry.  
e. Forestry and silviculture, including:  
+ Natural forest: characteristics of main natural forest ecosystems in Vietnam; system of  
silviculture techniques to improve the quality of degraded natural forests under intensive  
cultivation; sustainable forest harvesting techniques and restore natural forests after harvesting.  
+ Plantation: the scientific basis to identify key economic species for different ecological  
zones, improved varieties of major crops (productivity, quality and tolerance); intensive  
plantation production (small and large timber); scientific basis and techniques for constructing  
protection forests.  
+ Non-Timber Forest Products: + Forest Products: Assessing NTFP resources,  
exploitation and sustainable development of NTFP at household and farm scale; planting,  
processing and preservation of valuable species of forest products.  
f. Forest industry, storage and processing of forest products, including:  
+ Build a database on the properties of wood and NTFPs in Vietnam;  
+ Assessing development potential of raw wood and NTFPs. Diversification of resource  
+ Technology of to low-impact forest products exploitation from natural forests;  
application of advanced technologies in forest exploitation.  
+ Forest product processing technology of small and medium scale.  
+ Developing standard systems for wood and wood products.  
5.2. Strengthening research capacity  
- Institutional arrangement for research:  
+ FSIV is the leading research institute of the forest sector, should be reorganized to  
Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS).  
+ Collaboration among research institutes  
+ Encourage the development of NGOs  
- Human resources development.  
- Promotion of the infrastructure and facilities for research: modern facilities/equipment  
for central research institutes; appropriate facilities for ordinary research and local level;  
information system and databases for research.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
- Improve research efficiency: application of advanced technologies into research; access to  
research information; strengthen international cooperation; promote technology transference;  
monitoring and evaluation.  
Draft Results of Forestry Priority Setting Workshop.  
Table 1: Priority Programs within Priority ARDOs (First Draft)  
Priority ARDOs (In Order of Ranking on  
Priority Programs (Ranking within ARDOs)  
Return on Investment)  
Pulp & Small Log Products  
High priority:  
Pinus caribaeae  
Medium priority:  
Endospermum chiense  
Ormosia pinnata  
Melaleuca sp  
Casuariana equisetifolia  
Low priority:  
Melia azedarach Linn.  
Cunminghamia lanceolata  
Manglieta glauca  
Large Timber  
High priority:  
Imported Trees: Acacia sp; Eucalyptus sp,  
Khaya senegalensis, Cedrela odorata  
Native Trees: Liquidambar formosana, :  
Trema orientalis, Melia azedarach Linn,  
Duabanga grandiflora, Ailanthus triphysa,  
Endospermum chiense…  
Medium priority:  
Other commercial value trees Moraceae  
sp; Hopea recopei; Michelia mediocris  
Dandy;Tarietia javanica; Parashorea  
Low priority:  
Groups of precious and native trees.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
Bamboo & Rattan  
Select and develop high value Bamboo and  
Rattan .  
Market research  
Select and develop high commercial value  
species for ecological areas.  
Non-Timber Forest Products  
Medicinal Plants  
Essential Oils  
Post-Harvest technology.  
Market Research  
Forest Policy  
Policy analysis & advice for revising the law of  
forestry investment and protection  
Impact analysis of benefits of incentives in  
natural and protected forests (Decree 178)  
Forest and forest land allocation policy  
Impact of use of natural forests as production  
The environmental service using policy (such  
as hydroelectric power plant)  
Environment & Services  
Interaction between forest and  
Technical and economic criteria for  
protection forests (riverhead, coastal and  
Cropping pattern and practices of  
forestation for protective forest/restore  
biological health  
Solutions for protecting forest, prevent  
natural calamity  
Environmental services:  
Quantify the price of products and forest  
environmental services.  
Manage and use environmental services:  
- Protect riverhead forest  
- Preserve bio-diversification  
- Ecological tourism  
Biodiversity & Conservation  
High priority:  
Basic survey on species.  
Medium priority:  
Classify forests based on preservation  
Survey on specific ecosystems.  
GIS in preservation.  
Research the effect/usefulness of species.  
Educate on preservation environment.  
Low priority:  
Methods of inter-country preservation  
Mechanism of sharing preservation  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
High Priority Return on Investment  
Return on investment for Pulp and Small Log Products (Areas of Research and Development  
Opportunity - ARDO 2) was assessed as highest by a large margin. This assessment no doubt  
reflects the size and financial contribution from the ARDO and the relatively short time from  
establishment to income generation. It also reflects the large infrastructure development in  
process. However although it is considered that there remains potential for research to contribute  
to higher returns on investment, it is also considered that there is more than adequate research  
capacity in this ARDO and perhaps some improvement in research capacity in other ARDOs  
(e.g. Environment and Conservation) may result in higher returns on investment in this ARDO  
in the longer term.  
Return on Investment for Large Timber was next highest, but assessed as much less than Pulp  
and Small Log Products. Overcoming the difficulties of lack of income between establishment  
and harvesting, through technologies such as intercropping or integrating pulp and large timber  
production systems could increase the Likelihood of Uptake and therefore return on investment.  
Medium Return on Investment  
ARDO 3 (Bamboo & Rattan) and ARDO 4 (Non-Timber Forest Products) were considered to  
have medium term on investment with Bamboo & Rattan being higher than Non-Timber Forest  
Potential Benefits for both these ARDOs were considered low, but the likelihood of uptake high  
as both have the potential for rapid income generation through adoption of new technologies and  
Low Return on Investment  
ARDOs 5, 6 and 7 were considered to have low return on investment. This analysis reflects the  
ability of these ARDOs to generate benefits in the short term. This perception is strong amongst  
researchers with a focus on production research and the workshop result is not surprising.  
However a broader cross-section of stakeholders including those with a focus on longer term  
benefits from research in Environment and Services, Bio-Diversity and Conservation and in  
Forest Policy may result in a greater emphasis for these ARDOs.  
There appears to be a relatively low level of research capacity in these 3 ARDOs (particularly  
Environment and Services) and some emphasis on improving capacities in these ARDOs appears  
Capacity in forest science and technology  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
The statistics counts only those getting salary from the state budget and working in the  
governmental research institutions and entities such as Forest Science Institute of Vietnam  
(FSIV), the Vietnam Forestry University (VFU) and Forest Inventory and Planning Institute  
(FIPI). In fact, the number of persons engaged in forestry science and technology would be more  
who may work for the other governmental and non-governmental organizations (like national  
parks, Seed Company, the Center for Forest Protection, VINAFOR,). Generally speaking, the  
number of highly qualified scientific staffs has tended to decrease, due to many retirees, while  
sources added slowly.  
For the forestry research system – while it is considered that there are more-or-less  
enough researchers in the system, there are still many gaps in quality (researcher capacities) and  
comprehensiveness of the research system. For example, there are gaps in basic research on  
forest flora and fauna, forest hydrology, and forest ecology etc. Even for aspects which are  
considered quite effective such as silviculture technologies, the lack still appears in terms of the  
number of researchers, especially leading researchers for deep and specific research areas. The  
gap between different researcher generations and inconsistent quality are big challenges. The  
content and approach to research is often not sufficiently systematic to scale-up previous research  
results, or sufficiently cross-sectoral to solve comprehensively thorny problems in actual forest  
management and production systems. With the change to the market mechanism, and changes in  
forestry practice nationally and internationally, research staff have also not been trained in  
relevant knowledge and research skills which has resulted in some ineffective research results.  
Another critical issue is how to keep competent researchers working in the system, and how to  
attract competent young researchers to start work in forestry  
The main constraints appear to lie in: (a) the way in which research topics are identified  
and prioritized, and the extent to which they are accurately based on the demand from end-users;  
and (b) constraints in the way in which research results are disseminated and made available to  
Medium- and long-term forecast practice in sector development has not been given  
enough attention, in order to facilitate the orientation of research for each period of time  
• The research planning and investment cycle (of 2-3 years at sector level and 5 years at national  
level respectively) is inappropriate to forestry research which requires a long time horizon and  
business production cycle;  
• Essential follow-up activities to research are often neglected and not included in research plans  
and budgets (e.g. for publications and information dissemination, incorporation of research  
results into training courses etc.);  
• Information dissemination practices are generally weak, a lot of research results and documents  
are considered the property of a single institute so access to these is limited – it would be good if  
this information could be systematically stored and publicly accessed;  
• Funding for science and technology is limited (with only around 10% of the requirement  
covered by the budget from MARD) which means that research centers focus on fulfilling the  
core aspects, with limited attention to dissemination and application of results.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
• There is a lack of motivation for researchers, and of motivation to apply new technologies in  
production due to a lack of healthy competition, and attractive incentive policies for research,  
especially policies to encourage good researchers to be committed and engaged in their work.  
In the coming period, research on forest seeds tree improvement continues to be a top priority.  
For the last year this has contributed greatly to the development of the forestry sector,  
particularly in establishing new forest plantations. However, due to long-time investment, large  
financial investment etc., it is very difficult to assess and indicate effectiveness of the research  
for the public.  
Researches on forest exploitation and forest product processing are also essential for forestry  
sector development, but again, because of high and long term investment nature of those  
researches, it is difficult to attract society to pay attention to that. Also need to pay attention to  
the researches on Silviculture and inventory of the forest resources.  
Discussion Paper for Agriculture Sector Priorities settings Workshop – Section Forestry  
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