Research staff competence

Milestone 5: Research Staff Competence  
Due: 31 August 2007  
Payment: $25 930  
Training report from Australian Study tour, including assessment of  
appropriateness of technology in Vietnam  
Vietnam training seminar program and training materials  
Assessment of competence in supply chain mapping and the development  
of quality assurance programs in Vietnam  
Australian Study Tour  
Study tours to Australia were undertaken by 6 Vietnamese scientists and extension  
personnel (Ms Ngo Thi Hanh (RIFAV), Mr Vu Tuan Minh (HUAF), Mr Ngo Xuan  
Chinh (IAS), Mrs Nguyen Thi An (FAVRI, formerly RIFAV), Mr Ngo Minh Dung  
(IAS), Mr Nguyen Dinh Thi (HUAF) ) for a 4 week period in 2005 and 2006. On the  
2006 study tour, participants from the research institutes were also joined by  
vegetable grower and nursery specialist, Mr Nguyen Hong Phong from Lam Dong  
province. His inclusion on the study tour particularly assisted the team in looking at  
how Australian technology may be modified to enable it to be utilised in Vietnam.  
Training focused on both field and greenhouse vegetable production, postharvest and  
supply chain management and implementing Good Agricultural Practice (GAP).  
Field visits to low tech (Sydney Basin) and high tech (Yanco, Gosford) greenhouses  
and farms also encouraged training participants to consider how they could adapt  
such technology to Vietnamese conditions. In addition to visiting numerous farms,  
training participants also visited Sydney Wholesale Markets, and an importing and  
export business to enable them to understand Australian supply chains and quality  
requirements. Visits to research stations at Gosford and Yanco provided the visitors  
with an insight into the types of research and extension projects undertaken by NSW  
DPI and how R&D programs are managed in Australia.  
Photo 1. Study Team 1 - Ms Ngo Thi Hanh Photo 2. Study Team 2 -Mrs Nguyen  
(RIFAV), Mr Vu Tuan Minh (HUAF), Mr Thi An (FAVRI, formerly RIFAV), Mr  
Ngo Xuan Chinh (IAS) visit greenhouse Nguyen Dinh Thi (HUAF) and Mr  
vegetable producers in Sydney Basin, Nguyen Hong Phong (farmer, Lam  
together with Dr Vong Nguyen, Dr Suzie Dong) learning how to measure  
Newman and Dr Ho Dang.  
postharvest quality attributes of fresh  
Training reports from the 2005 and 2006 study tours are appended in Appendix 1 and  
Appendix 2. In addition the following case studies have been prepared to  
demonstrate how technology has been modified and utilised by both Vietnamese  
research personnel and vegetable farmers.  
CASE STUDY 1: Mr Nguyen Hong Phong, Vegetable farmer and seedling  
producer, Lam Dong Province  
Throughout the course of the project, Mr Phong has been improving his seedling  
production and farming operation at Duc Trong in Lam Dong province and these  
improvements may be partially attributed to the training and on-going technical  
support he has received as a part of this project. This training has included:  
the Australian study tour from the 2nd-29th July 2006  
advice provided by the Australian project team during their visits to his farm  
in February 2006, May 2006, October 2006 and May 2007  
assistance with acquiring and setting up 2 mechanical precision air seeders  
ongoing technical assistance provided by Dr Vinh’s vegetable group at IAS.  
Uptake of technology and improvements to current practice has included:  
the commissioning of 2 mechanical precision air seeders to enable Mr Phong  
to increase seedling output (Photos 3 and 4)  
the improvement of working conditions for workers carrying out grafting  
operations. When we visited in February 2006, workers were undertaking  
grafting operations outside under netting but they now work in a purpose built  
shed. This has not only benefited workers but has led to greater efficiencies in  
the seedling operation (Photos 5 and 6).  
Photo 3. Installing the mechanical precision Photo 4. Mechanical precision air  
air seeder – February 2006  
seeders improving production  
efficiency – April 2007  
Photo 5. Grafting operation carried out in  
greenhouse – February 2006  
Photo 6. New grafting set-up in  
specially constructed shed with  
improved efficiency – April 2007  
Photo 7. Mr Phong implementing new  
Photo 8. Tomato variety trial on Mr  
practices in his greenhouse. A variety trial in Phong’s property – April 2007  
his greenhouse April 2007  
Photo 9. Experimenting with new techniques  
Mr Phong’s greenhouse April 2007  
Following his trip to Australia, Mr Phong rapidly adopted hydroponic growing  
and adapted the system to make it suitable for use in Vietnam. He has also  
implemented changes in the way he manages his crop based on what he saw in  
Australia (Photos 6-9)  
Mr Phong is keen to experiment with new varieties and currently runs a  
number of field and greenhouse variety trials on his property. (Photos 6-9).  
Mr Phong can truly be considered a farmer ‘champion’ and with his seedling  
operation producing seedlings for many farmers in the region, it is likely that the  
uptake by other farmers will be high. His position as a seedling producer is likely to  
have a major impact on tomato production throughout the region, facilitating the  
adoption of new technologies and approaches. Engaging farmers in study tours has  
certainly been a successful approach in encouraging rapid adoption of techniques and  
we would certainly recommend this approach in future projects.  
CASE STUDY 2 – The uptake and development of hydroponic systems by  
Vietnamese Research Institutes  
All four Vietnamese Research Institute partners in this project have successfully  
implemented hydroponic growing systems. Training periods in Australia have  
enabled them to learn how to build and run the systems successfully in both a research  
and commercial context. Visits to Australian hydroponic farms such as Pacific  
Hydroponics, Gosford and Atkinsons, Griffith have demonstrated how these systems  
are used commercially in Australia. Training by Dr Parks and Worrall has focussed  
on getting the best out of these systems including management of EC and appropriate  
growing media. Crop management practices have also been central to this training.  
During this project we have seen the successful development and adaptation of these  
systems to Vietnamese growing conditions. The group at IAS has also undertaken on-  
farm trials testing these systems. During visits by the Australian team we have  
provided advice on how system and crop management can be improved. During our  
visit in February 2006, we also visited the Hanoi Seed Company in Hanoi and a high  
technology greenhouse park in Hai Phong to address problems that they were having  
with their growing system in their greenhouse complex. Following our visit Dr Parks  
also provided additional information and advice on how they could improve their  
production practices.  
Photo 10. Ms Anh (FAVRI) with the  
Photo 11. The hydroponic system at FAVRI  
hydroponic system she has constructed. This – April 2007  
is her second crop using this system. April  
Photo 12. The hydroponic system at FAVRI Photo 13. The hydroponic system at HUAF  
– April 2007 being tested by Mr Thi – April 2007  
Photo 14. Dr Ba and her hydroponic system Photo 15. Testing hydroponic systems at  
at Can Tho University – May 2007. (Dr Ba  
undertook part of her PhD studies at Gosford  
Horticultural Institute with Drs Parks and  
Can Tho University –May 2007.  
Vietnam training seminar program and training materials  
Workshops were conducted in 4 locations during the course of the project. These  
Workshop 1: 13-15th February, 2006, Ho Chi Minh, 72 registered delegates  
Workshop 2: 20-22nd February, 2006, Ha Noi, 109 delegates  
Workshop 3: 27-28th April, 2007, Can Tho, 82 registered delegates  
Workshop 4: 3-4th May, 2007, Da Lat, 70 registered delegates  
Details on these workshops can be found in previous milestone and travel reports  
(Milestone reports 3 and 6, Travel reports February 2006 and May 2007). Attached in  
Appendix 3 is a copy of the Workshop Proceedings from the Hanoi workshop.  
Similar proceedings were produced for the other 3 workshops, with different local  
papers at each location. These can be obtained from Dr Thi or Dr Newman upon  
request. Each of these workshops also included field visits enabling workshop  
participants to discuss material presented during the presentations in a more relaxed  
informal manner.  
Assessment of competence in supply chain mapping and the development of  
quality assurance systems in Vietnam.  
The Australian training component included training specifically in supply chain  
mapping and quality assurance systems. Dr Newman introduced the concept of  
supply chain mapping, described the methodology and then as a training exercise the  
team mapped out typical vegetable supply chains in North, Central and Southern  
Vietnam. Part of Dr Newman’s workshop presentation in Vietnam also included a  
section on supply chain mapping and this generated considerable discussion and  
questions particularly at the Hanoi workshop. The concept of supply chain mapping  
is a relatively new concept to our production focussed Vietnamese partners, but  
through the training courses they now have an understanding of the process and with  
further guidance should be able to utilise this in future projects and activities.  
Joseph Ekman, NSW DPI Quality Assurance Officer provided study tour participants  
with 1-2 days of training in the Australian Quality Assurance program - ‘Fresh Care’.  
Mr Ekman is one of the developers of this QA system and regularly provides training  
to farmers in ‘Fresh Care’ to enable them to implement their QA system. Mr Ekman  
provided Vietnamese study tour participants with a condensed version of this course  
using ‘Fresh Care’ training materials. Time was also provided for training  
participants to ask questions and for discussion on how such a system may be  
implemented in Vietnam. As one of the reviewers for ASEAN GAP, Mr Ekman was  
able to demonstrate clearly to participants what they needed to do to achieve this  
standard in Vietnam. Part of the training also included field visits where Mr Ekman  
was able to demonstrate the practical application of these systems and also the  
Vietnamese team was able to ask farmers how they went about implementing such a  
system. Mr Ekman’s workshop presentations in Vietnam were also focussed on  
quality assurance and how this might be implemented in a Vietnamese context.  
In April 2007, we also visited Ben Tre cocopeat factory to look at how this operation  
may look at implementing a QA program. Following a tour of the facility, Mr Ekman  
provided feedback to the management team on issues they needed to address if they  
were looking at introducing a QA system.  
Report prepared by Dr S M Newman, September 2007  
Appendix 1  
Report on Travel to Australia  
31st October – 27th November, 2005  
“Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese  
vegetables through research and capacity building in  
quality assurance, postharvest management and high  
technology protected cropping systems”  
November 2005  
Ngo Thi Hanh, RIFAV  
Vu Xuan Minh, HUAF  
Ngo Xuan Chinh, IAS  
II. Executive Summary  
III. Introduction of Project and Study tour  
IV. The Authors  
V. Source of Funds  
VI. Itinerary  
VII. Research Institution Visited  
VIII. Report  
IX. Recommendation  
X. Appendix  
There are many people and organizations that have contributed towards  
our trip to Australia and to all of these people we would like to express  
our appreciation:  
The AusAID-CARD, who contributed financial assistance to enable  
us to go to Australia to work with Australian counterpart  
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of  
Education, Vietnam for supporting the final formality of this course.  
Dr. Mike Curll, the Deputy Director General of NSW Department of  
Primary Industries (Science & Research), who invited us to NSW  
DPI to work with his organization’s scientists at the National Centre  
for Greenhouse Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Dr. Trevor Gibson, Director (Production Research); Dr. Philip  
Wright, Research Leader (Horticulture).  
Dr. David Hall, Director, National Centre for Greenhouse  
Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Dr. Vong Nguyen, Australian Project Leader, Drs Suzie Newman,  
Sophie Parks, Ross Worrall, Stephen Goodwin, Mr Joseph Ekman,  
Mr Len Tesoriero and Ms Marilyn Steiner.  
Mr. Paul Andersen, Manager and Mrs Jacquies Priest, National  
Centre for Greenhouse Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Assoc. Prof. Tran Khac Thi, Project Leader, Deputy Director of  
Research Institute of Fruits and Vegetables (RIFAV); Prof. Tran Van  
Minh, Rector of Hue University of Agriculture & Forestry (HUAF);  
Prof. Pham Van Bien, Director of Institute of Agricultural Sciences  
for South Vietnam (IAS), who delegated us to NSW DPI to work at  
the National Centre for Greenhouse Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Support by Dr. Le Thi Khanh, Head of Department of Horticulture  
of HUAF; Dr. Ngo Quang Vinh, Head of Department of Vegetables  
of IAS and the helps from colleagues.  
We also appreciate the hospitality of the research staff at the  
National Vegetable Industry Centre, Yanco Agricultural Institute  
including Mr Mark Hickey, Dr. Mohammad Quadir, Dr. Mo and Dr  
Sandra McDougall.  
Last but not the least, we are grateful to Mrs Tuyen Nguyen and Mrs  
Yuri for their hospitality during our stay in Australia.  
II. Executive Summary  
The aim of this visit to Australia was to work with NSW DPI’s  
horticulturists at the NCGH, Gosford for a period of one month  
during October/November 2005 on production of safe & high  
quality vegetables at Gosford Horticultural Institute. This  
includes greenhouse and hydroponic production methods and  
pest and disease management. The Postharvest Group based at  
the GHI provided training to visiting Vietnamese scientists in  
quality assurance systems, supply chain dynamics and  
postharvest management of vegetable crops. A postharvest study  
tour provided Vietnamese scientists with an insight into  
postharvest and quality assurance employed by Australian  
producers. They also visited Yanco’s NVIC to inspect the  
research on irrigation and vegetables and a number of vegetable  
farms, seed producers and food processors.  
During this trip we visited Gosford, Sydney, Canberra and  
Yanco. In Gosford we were trained at the National Centre for  
Greenhouse Horticulture (NCGH) re. greenhouse vegetable  
production, hydroponic systems, greenhouse IPM, postharvest  
for fresh vegetables and fruits and disinfectation of fruits (apple,  
orange…) for export. We also visited green tea plantation in  
Somersby research farm. In Sydney we visited the Sydney  
Central Market in Flemington to learn the management and  
vegetable and fruit market system. Hydroponic production  
(tomatoes and mini-cucumber) in the Western Sydney area  
(Bringelly and Leppinton) was inspected. We also visited Yanco  
Agricultural Institute, the National Vegetables Industry Centre,  
vegetable farms (rock melon, processing tomato and onion) and  
Leeton Rice Growers’ Co-operative to study the large-scale  
production technologies.  
A particular strength of Australia is the diversity of its research  
capability and the emphasis on bringing teams together from  
different scientific fields to find solutions to major problems  
facing Australia and the rest of the world. Similarly in the  
horticulture sector, NSW DPI is committed to improving fruit,  
vegetable and flower’s yield and quality.  
Due to high achievements in R&D of the Australian  
horticultural industry, a co-operation between Vietnam and the  
Australian Research Institutions as well as the Australian  
Horticultural companies is strongly recommended, focussing on:  
1. Collaboration in medium and high technologies of  
Protected Cropping systems;  
2. Collaboration in Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) for  
3. Collaboration in Agricultural advanced technology;  
4. The invitation for Vietnamese scientists to visit Australia  
should be sent to Vietnam a little earlier, approximately  
two months before departure to enable them to better  
prepare their paper work, specially for HUAF. Invited  
scientists should go at the same time so that they can help  
each other in study;  
5. Our accommodation and condition for our studies were  
very good. Therefore, we request that the project need to  
be kept in that way;  
6. Evaluation of Vietnam’s ability in exportation of  
vegetables to some overseas major markets.  
7. Production of cocopeat in Vietnam is stable and friendly  
environmental vegetable production. So project like this  
could be lengthen and it will become a big success.  
8. There is a Need to invite much more Vietnamese scientists  
and outstanding farmers to join Agriculture study tour in  
III. Introduction of Project and Study tour  
Vegetable food safety is becoming of increasing concern to Vietnamese consumers. In  
Vietnam, in the four-year period 1999 - 2002, nearly 20,000 Vietnamese were  
poisoned by vegetable products with 250 subsequently dying (Ministry of Health,  
2003). Studies have found pesticide residues and other contaminants including  
nitrates and heavy metals to be at levels well above maximum residue limits (MRL).  
For example in one vegetable residue survey conducted by RIFAV some pesticide  
levels were 5-10 times the MRL (Tran Khac Thi, 1999). In peri-urban agriculture  
where the majority of vegetables servicing the major centres are produced the  
problem stems from large amounts of fertiliser and pesticide being applied to small  
plots of land in an attempt to boost yields. This perceived need to boost yields is also  
driven in part by the knowledge that significant losses perhaps as high as 30% will  
occur along the supply chain.  
The previous project AusAID-CARD0016 (2001-2003) demonstrated that a protected  
cropping system (a net-house) is suitable for the production of safe and good quality  
vegetables in Vietnam. This demonstration system used local waste coconut fibre  
(cocopeat) as a growing medium, a suitable alternative to soil in peri urban areas for  
intensive vegetable production with low chemical inputs. However, the  
implementation of “good agriculture practice” for the production of safe and high  
quality vegetables in new growing systems is still a long way off. To successfully  
address these issues this project will use a multifaceted approach to improve  
production efficiency; reduce reliance on pesticides; reduce postharvest losses and to  
utilise quality assurance principles.  
The achievements of Australia in R&D in horticulture has been considered as a very  
high valuable lesson that Vietnam needs to learn for building the above vegetable  
production technology. Vietnamese horticulturists that will learn new production,  
postharvest and quality assurance techniques in Australia will be able to implement  
these techniques in research and transfer new skills to growers in workshops in  
Vietnam. In doing so this will enhance the ability of Vietnam to promote rural  
development in these industries and increase the agricultural efficiency and  
competitiveness of vegetable production, which are aligned in the Strategies 1.2.2.  
and 2.1.1. in the agreed CARD Program Strategic Framework (Vietnam Australia  
Development Cooperation Strategy 2003-2007).  
The four-week visit of Ngo Thi Hanh, RIFAV; Vu Tuan Minh, HUAF and Ngo Xuan  
Chinh, IAS to the National Centre for Greenhouse Horticulture, NSW DPI, Australia  
are strongly supported to their scientific and extension activities in Vietnam.  
IV. The Authors  
1. Ngo Thi Hanh, research scientist, Department of Vegetables and Spices,  
Research Institute of Fruits and Vegetables, Hanoi. Mrs. Hanh graduated from  
Hanoi Agricultural University (HAU) in 1991. She was also awarded a M.Sc.  
degree in HAU in 2001. Mrs. Hanh was trained at the Asian Region Centre of  
Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre (AVRDC) in Thailand for  
5 months (1996 – 1997). From 2005 – 2009, she is Ph.D’s Candidate with  
research in hybrid cucumber breeding.  
2. Vu Tuan Minh, lecturer, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agronomy,  
Hue University of Agriculture & Forestry. Mr. Minh graduated from Hue  
University of Agricultural and Forestry in 2001 and he was trained at World  
Vegetable Research and Development Centre (AVRDC), Asian Region Centre  
in Thailand for 5 months (11/2004 – 3/2005). He teaches on vegetable crop.  
3. Ngo Xuan Chinh, research scientist, Department of Vegetables of Institute of  
Agriculture Scientist for South Vietnam. Mr. Chinh graduated from Thai  
Nguyen University of Agricultural and Forestry in 2000 and he was trained at  
World Vegetable Research and Development Centre (AVRDC), Asian Region  
Centre in Thailand for 5 months (11/2004 – 3/2005). Mr. Chinh is a leader of  
research vegetable group of IAS.  
V. Source of Fund  
All expenses of this project, including finance for this study tour with airfares, foods,  
accommodation and local travel in Australia were met by AusAID-CARD-  
VI. Itinerary  
Week 1: 31st October – 05th November 2005  
Arriving to Sydney Airport VN Orientation – David Hall,  
783 Sydney 9:35am – Vong Introduction training  
Mon 31  
Hydroponic systems –  
Sophie Parks  
Vegetables GAP - Vong Nguyen  
systems: Protected cropping systems:  
Cocopeat research –  
Tue 01  
Ross Worrall  
GAP - Quality Assurance 1 - Joe GAP - Quality Assurance 2 - Joe  
Wed 02  
Greenhouse – Diseases –  
Len Tesoriero  
systems: Protected  
Thu 03  
Greenhouse IPM –  
Stephen Goodwin & Marilyn Steiner  
Field walk 1: Visiting Pacific Wrapping up Week 1 –  
Fri 04  
Hydroponics Pty Ltd, Wyong –  
Sophie Parks, Joe Ekman, Suzie  
Newman, Vong Nguyen, Tuyen  
Vong Nguyen, Suzie Newman  
Sat 05  
Week 2: 06th – 12th November 2005  
Sun 06  
National Launch: Asian vegetable names, west Sydney – Jenny Ekman  
Mon 07  
Tue 08  
Wed 09  
Postharvest diseases 1 –  
Elena Lazar  
Postharvest diseases 2 –  
Elena Lazar  
Supply Chains – Suzie Newman  
Protected cropping systems:  
Grafting – Vong Nguyen  
5:30 Visiting Sydney Central Market, 7:30 Antico – Vong Nguyen, Suzie  
Thu 10  
Visiting farms, Bringelly & Leppington NSW – Dr Ho Dang  
Postharvest – Quality Assessment Postharvest – Quality Assessment 2 -  
Fri 11  
Sat 12  
1 - Suzie Newman  
Suzie Newman  
Week 3: 13th – 19th November 2005  
Sun 13  
Parliament House  
Visit Canberra - Yanco  
Mon 14  
Yanco Agricultural Institute-  
Mohammad Quadir  
Yanco Agricultural Institute-  
Visiting farms – Mark Hickey  
Tue 15  
Wed 16  
Yanco Agricultural Institute-  
Sandra McDougall  
Visit Leeton Rice Growers’ Co-  
Yanco – Gosford  
Thu 17  
Fri 18  
Preparation of Travel Report – Vong Nguyen  
Sat 19  
Week 4: 20th – 27th November 2005  
Sun 20  
Mon 21  
Discussion of experiments in Vietnam – Sophie, Suzie, Vong  
Discussion of experiments in Vietnam – Sophie, Suzie, Vong  
Discussion of workshops in Vietnam (12th – 25th February 2006) –  
Sophie, Suzie, Joe, Vong  
Tue 22  
Preparation of Travel Report – Vong Nguyen, Sophie Parks  
Wed 23  
Thu 24  
Fri 25  
Equipment purchase  
Afternoon tea - Presentation of Certificate (David Hall)  
Wrapping up Training course -  
Vong Nguyen, Suzie Newman, Sophie Parks, Joe Ekman  
Sat 26  
Vietnamese scientists return to Vietnam  
Sun 27  
VII. Research Institution Visited  
1. National Centre for Greenhouse Horticulture, Gosford NSW (NCGH)  
David Hall - Director  
Vong Nguyen - Australian Project Leader, Hydroponic vegetable and  
Suzie Newman - Post-harvest  
Andrew Jessup - Disinfectation  
Ross Worrall - Ornamental  
Stephen Goodwin & Marilyn Steiner- Greenhouse IPM  
2. Sydney Central Market, Flemington  
3. Cabramatta Vietnamese market  
4. Pacific Hydroponics, Wyong  
6. Greenhouse vegetable producers (Mr Hung Nguyen, Mr Hoang, Mr  
7. Yanco Agricultural Institute  
VIII. Report  
Week 1: Day 1 - Monday 31st October 2005  
Arriving to Sydney Airport at 10:00am and met with Dr & Mrs Nguyen at 11:00am.  
Arriving at Gosford Horticultural Institute at 3:00pm. Welcomed by Mr Paul  
Patersen, Manager and Dr David Hall, Director, GHI.  
Dr Vong Nguyen introduced the training course.  
Week 1: Day 2 - Tuesday 1st November 2005  
Morning session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Growing technologies  
and Hydroponic systems – Trainer Dr. Sophie Parks explained the structures of  
greenhouses, hydroponic systems and showed some experimental trials on lettuce and  
perilla by NFT system and silver beet by RtW system.  
Afternoon session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Cocopeat research –  
Trainer Dr. Ross Worrall explained his study on cocopeats including Sri-Lankan and  
Vietnamese cocopeats. He also talked about the automatic controlled system on  
hydroponic of tomato and cucumber. These systems are difficult to build in Vietnam  
due to lack of electricity, unavailable equipments and chemicals for nutrient solutions.  
Week 1: Day 3 - Wednesday 2sd November 2005  
Morning session: Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) - Quality Assurance 1:  
Trainer Mr. Joe Ekman introduced GAP and Freshcare systems used by the Australian  
Afternoon session: Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) - Quality Assurance 2:  
Trainer Mr. Joe Ekman discussed further in Freshcare’s Code of Practice. At present,  
the Vietnam’s MARD and ASEAN countries are discussing with Australia to develop  
an ASEAN GAP which is likely to be introduced in early 2006.  
Week 1: Day 4 - Thursday 3rd November 2005  
Morning session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Greenhouse IPM –  
Diseases: Trainer Mr. Len Tesoriero introduced diseases that damaged tomato,  
cucumber and lettuce in greenhouse.  
Afternoon session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Greenhouse IPM –  
Insects: Trainers Dr. Stephen Goodwin & Ms Marilyn Steiner explained their studies  
on predators that would control the insects. Their recent studies are focussed on fungi  
that could control the development of insects.  
Week 1: Day 5 - Friday 4th November 2005  
Field walk 1: Visiting Pacific Hydroponics Pty Ltd, Wyong:  
Morning session: Visited Pacific Hydroponics vegetable production company in  
Wyong. Pacific Hydroponics produces lettuce (NFT system), herbs (NFT) and tomato  
(RW) in greenhouse. Dr. Sophie Parks, Mr. Joe Ekman, Dr. Suzie Newman, Dr. Vong  
Nguyen, Mrs. Tuyen Nguyen.  
The above growing technologies are new for farmers in Vietnam. After this training  
course we would like to implement these technologies in our country.  
Afternoon session: Wrapping up Week 1 – Vong Nguyen.  
Week 1: Day 6 - Saturday 5th November 2005  
Sydney’s Sight Seeing  
Week 1: Day 7 - Sunday 6th November 2005  
Visit to Cabramatta market to inspection Asian vegetables and fruits.  
Week 2: Day 1 - Monday 7th October 2005  
Morning and afternoon sessions: National Launch: Asian vegetable names, west  
Sydney – Project Leader: Dr. Jenny Ekman: Dr Ekman introduced her project which  
is funded by RIRDC for 2 years 2004-2005. There is a need to uniform the exotic  
vegetables’ names. A list of new Asian vegetable names which are used in Australian  
are launched at Cabramatta market.  
This is a new method of extension which would be good if apply in our country.  
Met with Honourable Mr McDonald, the Minister of NSW Department of Primary  
Industries and Dr Mike Curl, Deputy Director General, NSW DPI  
Week 2: Day 2 - Tuesday 8th November 2005  
Morning session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Postharvest diseases 1–  
Trainer Dr. Elena Lazar: Introduction about some main diseases in Postharvest on  
cucumber, tomato.  
Afternoon session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Postharvest diseases  
2– Trainer Dr. Elena Lazar: Studying about main damaging fungus development on  
fruits and vegetables in storage. We had observed and counted fungal spores in  
Week 2: Day 3 - Wednesday 9th November 2005  
Morning session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Supply Chains –  
Postharvest Trainer Dr. Suzie Newman: Discussing on postharvest and supply chain  
management on vegetables production in Vietnam and introducing on GAP and  
postharvest in Australia. We think vegetables production in Vietnam need to apply  
General discussion – postharvest project objectives:  
Practical-Storage environment, temperature and packaging-setting up  
Afternoon session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Grafting – Trainer  
Dr. Vong Nguyen: Discussion about grafting methods on tomato and cucumber in  
greenhouse. Grafting technologies have been applied for large area in Vietnam. GAP  
for vegetables was also discussed.  
Week 2: Day 4 - Thursday 10th November 2005  
Morning session: Start 5:30 Visiting Sydney Central Market, trainer Drs Vong  
Nguyen, Suzie Newman: Australian vegetables sold in Central market are clean,  
uniform and good looking. These characteristics are also required by export company  
- Antico International Pty Ltd as well. To achieve this vegetables are produced using  
high technology systems. Mr. Hugh Molloy introduced about activity of company and  
cooling storage system.  
Afternoon session: Visiting farms, Bringelly & Leppington NSW – Trainer Drs Ho  
Dang, Vong Nguyen, Suzie Newman Visiting Vietnamese farms producing tomato,  
cucumber and flowers on semi-hydroponic systems. These demonstrations are very  
suitable with vegetable production in Vietnam.  
Week 2: Day 5 - Friday 11th November 2005  
Morning session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Postharvest – Quality  
Assessment – trainer Dr. Suzie Newman: Supply chain management and quality  
management. Studying on six principles for GAP.  
Afternoon session: Training on Protected cropping systems: Postharvest – Quality  
Assessment – trainer Dr. Suzie Newman.  
Practical session - Storage environment, temperature and packaging of mushroom,  
lettuce and orange  
Practical session - Measuring quality of mushroom, lettuce and orange in 120C and  
200C with different packaging conditions.  
Measuring of quality index: Brix, firmness, colour charge of apple, pear and water  
Week 2: Day 6 - Saturday 12th November 2005  
Week 2: Day 7 - Sunday 13th November 2005  
Week 3: Day 1 - Monday 14th October 2005  
Morning: Departure 7:00am Gosford – Canberra: Visit Parliament House  
Afternoon: Canberra – Arriving 19:00 Yanco  
Week 3: Day 2 - Tuesday 15th November 2005  
Morning session: Yanco Agricultural Institute- trainer Dr. Mohammad Quadir: Visit  
National Vegetables Industry Centre and inspect research laboratory and onion  
experimental trials.  
Afternoon session: Yanco Agricultural Institute-Visiting farms – trainer Mark  
Hickey: Visit to farm producing rockmelon in net-house (3 acres) and open field;  
processing tomato experimental trial. Inspection of onion, grapes, rice and orange  
farms; learning of large-scale tractors, harvesters, irrigation systems and spray  
Production farms in Yanco are larger with an area of hundreds of hectares. All  
farming are modernise and very uniform.  
Week 3: Day 3 - Wednesday 16th November 2005  
Morning session: Yanco Agricultural Institute- trainer Dr. Sandra McDougall:  
Discussion about insect pest management on vegetables in Autralia and Vietnam  
Afternoon session: Visit to Leeton Rice Growers’ Co-operative. There are many  
products from rice: noodle, wine…  
Week 3: Day 4 - Thursday 17th November 2005  
Morning and afternoon session: Yanco – Gosford  
Week 3: Day 5 - Friday 18th November 2005  
Morning and afternoon session Preparation of Travel Report – trainer Dr. Vong  
Week 3: Day 6 - Saturday 19th November 2005  
Week 3: Day 7 - Sunday 20th November 2005  
Week 4: Day 1 - Monday 21th October 2005  
Morning and afternoon session: Discussion of experiments in Vietnam - trainer Dr.  
Vong Nguyen. We were all agreed that the experimental trials will be organised as  
First year: experimental trails with 4 medium (1. Cocopeat of Cauvong Co.;  
2. IAS media; 3. Coffee bean coir; 4. Ductrong media) on tomato and  
cucumber local variety with 5 replications, design on RCBD.  
Second year: Tomato and cucumber variety evaluation trials.  
First year: experimental trails with 4 medium (1. Cocopeat of Cauvong co.; 2.  
Cocopeat and volcano rock; 3. Cocopeat and peanut; 4. Cocopeat and roast  
soybean) on a tomato and cucumber local variety with 5 replications, design  
on RCBD.  
Second year: Tomato and cucumber variety evaluation trials.  
4. Hue:  
First year: Experimental trials with 2 – 3 medium on tomato local variety  
with 7 replications, design on RCBD.  
Second year: Effect of indicate media on growth of tomato local variety and  
tomato hybrid variety.  
Week 4: Day 2 - Tuesday 22th November 2005  
Morning and afternoon sessions: Discussion of experiments in Vietnam – Dr. Vong,  
Dr. Sophie Parks, Dr. Suzie Newman.  
Discussion of workshops in Vietnam – Dr. Vong, Dr. Sophie, Dr. Suzie, Mr. Joe: We  
decided to organise workshops in Hochiminh and Hanoi in a period of 12th – 25th  
February 2006. The itinerary would be as follows:  
February 2006  
Sydney – Hochiminh  
Visiting Thu Duc Central Market; Finalising workshop with  
Wednesday 15  
Visiting experimental trial in Lam Dong  
Visiting farms; wrapping up the workshop  
HCM – Hue – Meet with HUAF  
Visiting farms  
Hue – Hanoi  
Visiting Hanoi Central Market; Meeting with RIFAV;  
finalising the workshop  
Wednesday 22  
Visiting experimental trial in RIFAV’s research farm  
Wrapping up the workshop  
Visiting farms in Hanoi suburbs  
Hanoi – HCM – Sydney  
Week 4: Day 3 - Wednesday 23th November 2005  
Morning and afternoon sessions: Preparation of Travel Report – Dr. Vong Nguyen.  
Week 4: Day 4 - Thursday 24th November 2005  
Equipment purchase  
Afternoon tea - Presentation of Certificate (David Hall)  
Week 4: Day 5 - Friday 25th November 2005  
Wrapping up Training course -  
Vong Nguyen, Suzie Newman, Sophie Parks, Joe Ekman  
Week 4: Day 6 - Saturday 26th November 2005  
Week 4: Day 7 - Sunday 27th November 2005  
Vietnamese scientists return to Vietnam VN782  
IX. Recommendation  
Due to high achievements in Research and Development of the Australian  
horticultural industry, a co-operation between Vietnam and the Australian Research  
Institutions as well as the Australian Horticultural Companies in the field of  
greenhouse, hydroponic and new vegetable variety is strongly recommended.  
1. Collaboration in medium and high technologies of Protected Cropping  
2. Collaboration in Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) for horticulture;  
3. Collaboration in Agricultural advanced technology;  
4. The invitation for Vietnamese scientists to visit Australia should be sent to  
Vietnam a little earlier, approximately two months before departure to enable  
them to better prepare their paper work, specially for HUAF. Invited scientists  
should go at the same time so that they can help each other in study;  
5. Our accommodation and condition for our studies were very good. Therefore,  
we request that the project need to be kept in that way;  
6. Evaluation of Vietnam’s ability in exportation of vegetables to some overseas  
major markets.  
7. Production of cocopeat in Vietnam is stable and friendly environmental  
vegetable production. So project like this could be lengthen and it will become  
a big success.  
8. There is a Need to invite much more Vietnamese scientists and outstanding  
farmers to join Agriculture study tour in Australia.  
Prepared by:  
Ngo Thi Hanh, RIFAV  
Vu Xuan Minh, HUAF  
Ngo Xuan Chinh, IAS  
X. Appendix  
Picture 1: Dr. Sophie Parks introduces NFT system on Lettuce to Vietnamese  
Picture 2: Dr. Sophie Parks and Dr. Ross Worrall introduce media (cocopeat) for  
hydroponic vegetables production  
Picture 3: Visit vegetables production farm by NFT system and tomato in greenhouse,  
with Dr Sophie Parks and Mr Joseph Ekman.  
Picture 4: Visit farm production semi-hydroponic on tomatoes, with Drs Ho Dang,  
Vong Nguyen, Suzie newman and Mrs Tuyen Nguen.  
Picture 5: Visiting Sydney Central Market, with Dr Vong Nguyen and Mrs  
Tuyen Nguyen  
Picture 6: Visit farm production semi-hydroponic on flowers.  
Picture 7: Enjoyed field-day about Asian vegetables extension  
Picture 8: Visit to National Vegetable Industry Centre at Yanco Agricultural Institute.  
Picture 9: Met with the Minister of NSW Department of Primary Industries, the  
Honourable Mr. McDonald.  
Picture 10: Drs Mark Hickey and Vong Nguyen worked on moisture sensor (Sentek,  
EnviroScan) recording moisture content in the soil on 40ha rockmelon farm.  
Appendix 2  
Report on Travel to Australia  
2nd – 30th July 2006  
“Improving the safety and quality of Vietnamese  
vegetables through research and capacity building in  
quality assurance, post-harvest management and high  
technology protected cropping systems”  
July 2006  
Nguyen Thi An, RIFAV  
Nguyen Dinh Thi, HUAF  
Ngo Minh Dung, IAS  
Nguyen Hong Phong, Phong Thuy Farm  
XI. Acknowledgements  
XII. Executive Summary  
XIII. Introduction of Project and Study tour  
XIV. The Authors  
XV. Source of Funds  
XVI. Itinerary  
XVII. Research Institution Visited  
XVIII. Report  
XIX. Recommendation  
XX. Appendix  
There are many people and organizations that have contributed towards  
our trip to Australia and to all of these people we would like to express  
our appreciation:  
The AusAID-CARD, who contributed financial assistance to enable  
us to go to Australia to work with Australian counterpart  
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of  
Education, Vietnam for supporting the final formality of this  
Dr. Nick Austin, the Deputy Director General of NSW Department  
of Primary Industries (Science & Research), who invited us to  
NSW DPI to work with his organization’s scientists at the National  
Centre for Greenhouse Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Dr. Trevor Gibson, Director (Production Research); Dr. Philip  
Wright, Research Leader (Horticulture).  
Dr. David Hall, Director, National Centre for Greenhouse  
Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Dr. Vong Nguyen, Australian Project Leader, Drs Suzie Newman,  
Sophie Parks, Ross Worrall, Stephen Goodwin, Mr Joseph Ekman,  
Mr Len Tesoriero and Ms Marilyn Steiner.  
Mr. Paul Andersen, Manager and Mrs Jacquies Priest, National  
Centre for Greenhouse Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Assoc. Prof. Tran Khac Thi, Project Leader, Deputy Director of  
Research Institute of Fruits and Vegetables (RIFAV); Prof. Tran  
Van Minh, Rector of Hue University of Agriculture & Forestry  
(HUAF); Prof. Pham Van Bien, Director of Institute of  
Agricultural Sciences for South Vietnam (IAS), who delegated us to  
NSW DPI to work at the National Centre for Greenhouse  
Horticulture, Gosford NSW.  
Support by Dr. Le Thi Khanh, Head of Department of Horticulture  
of HUAF; Dr. Ngo Quang Vinh, Head of Department of Vegetables  
of IAS and the helps from colleagues.  
We also appreciate the hospitality of the research staff at the  
National Vegetable Industry Centre, Yanco Agricultural Institute  
including Mr Mark Hickey, Dr. Mohammad Quadir, Dr. Sandra  
Last but not the least, we are grateful to Mrs Tuyen Nguyen and  
Mrs Yuri for their hospitality during our stay in Australia.  
II. Executive Summary  
The aim of this visit to Australia was to work with NSW DPI’s  
horticulturists at the NCGH, Gosford for a period of one month (from 2nd  
to 30th, July 2006) on production of safe & high quality vegetables at  
Gosford Horticultural Institute. This includes greenhouse and hydroponic  
production methods and pest and disease management. The Post-harvest  
Group based at the GHI provided training to visiting Vietnamese  
scientists in quality assurance systems, supply chain dynamics and post-  
harvest management of vegetable crops. A post-harvest study tour  
provided Vietnamese scientists with an insight into post-harvest and  
quality assurance employed by Australian producers. They also visited  
Yanco’s NVIC to inspect the research on irrigation and vegetables and a  
number of vegetable farms, seed producers and food processors.  
During this trip we visited Gosford, Sydney, Canberra and Yanco. In  
Gosford we were trained at the National Centre for Greenhouse  
Horticulture (NCGH) re. greenhouse vegetable production, hydroponic  
systems, greenhouse IPM, post-harvest for fresh vegetables and fruits and  
disinfectation of fruits (apple, orange…) for export. We also attended the  
first Australia green tea conference, visited green tea plantation in  
Somersby research farm. In Sydney we visited the Sydney Central  
Market in Flemington to learn the management and vegetable and fruit  
market system. Hydroponic production (tomatoes and mini-cucumber) in  
the Western Sydney area (Bringelly and Leppinton) was inspected. We  
also visited Yanco Agricultural Institute, the National Vegetables  
Industry Centre, vegetable farms (rock melon, processing tomato and  
onion) and Leeton Rice Growers’ Co-operative to study the large-scale  
production technologies.  
A particular strength of Australia is the diversity of its research capability  
and the emphasis on bringing teams together from different scientific  
fields to find solutions to major problems facing Australia and the rest of  
the world. Similarly in the horticulture sector, NSW DPI is committed to  
improving fruit, vegetable and flower’s yield and quality.  
Due to high achievements in R&D of the Australian horticultural  
industry, a co-operation between Vietnam and the Australian Research  
Institutions as well as the Australian Horticultural companies is strongly  
recommended, focussing on:  
9. Collaboration in medium and high technologies of Protected  
Cropping systems;  
10.Collaboration in Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) for horticulture;  
11.Collaboration in Agricultural advanced technology;  
12.Our accommodation and condition for our studies were very good.  
Therefore, we request that the project need to be kept in that way;  
13.Evaluation of Vietnam’s ability in exportation of vegetables to  
some overseas major markets.  
14.Production of coco-peat in Vietnam is stable and friendly  
environmental vegetable production. So project like this could be  
lengthening and it will become a big success.  
15.There is a Need to invite much more Vietnamese scientists and  
outstanding farmers to join Agriculture study tour in Australia.  

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